I think the point is that the snake was as long as the mother, and a snake that’s as long as you are is intimidating, regardless of whether or not it’s poisonous.
I think the point is that the snake was as long as the mother, and a snake that’s as long as you are is intimidating, regardless of whether or not it’s poisonous.
The thing we should be able to regulate is how photographs taken without consent/knowledge are used. You get a stranger in the background of your vacation picture? Whatever, I don’t think it’s that big a deal if your facebook friends see that stranger.
Definitely not alone.
So relieved Betty put the kibosh on that, regardless of her reasoning.
I’ve posted this story before, but fuck it, I’m telling it again.
When I was a kid, my mom, my sisters, and I would go the beach pretty regularly, and on the way home there was a Friendly's we would always stop at for dinner. We had been stopping at this Friendly's a few weeks a year for a few years, and never had any problems with the service.
Until the last time we went, that is.
Let me preface this by saying that the Subway customer demanding literal handfuls of pickles is obviously a little deranged, but make no mistake that the "subway formula" for sandwich dressing is CHEAP AS SHIT.
You can do it either way.
one day, he will lead this beautiful country populated entirely by unborn fetuses
But what about in the original scenario, where you received one service (mani/pedi combo) from two stylists? Was each stylist supposed to get her own 20%, or was tipping 20% on the total for the service the right way to go?
My younger sister once vomited on a priest while altar-serving Easter Sunday Mass.
I was going out with my boyfriend’s family for lunch to celebrate his birthday. It was my first time ever going out with his family.
His parents picked us up and his grandmother, although not present, had sent word searches for us. So there we were, the BF and I, in the backseat of his mother’s Volvo, trying to…
From the title of this article I'd hoped she was re-releasing (re-covering?) "What Dreams Are Made Of" (because what my workout mix needs is a third version of "What Dreams Are Made Of")
Thank you! This was very helpful.
I'm so happy for you that you feel that way. I still don't understand why you're commenting here, but I guess whatever floats your boat.
Yeah, I made a post asking questions about the article on this website that I just read, and you came in being like "lol do u even law"
Look, asshole, my initial post was asking actual questions that were not made clear in this, the article I read and am commenting on.
Marriage licenses instead would be issued by any member of the clergy and signed by a court clerk; people who don't want to be married by a clergy member would only be able to obtain an "affidavit of common-law marriage."
Why would a marriage license administered by a priest need to be signed by a clerk?
Is the priest's marriage license a government document distinct from an affidavit of common law marriage?
Are couples with religious 'marriage licenses' going to be treated differently under the law than couples with only an "affidavit…