
At my school the contention was that boys' track and xc were allowed to run without their shirts, but girls weren't allowed to run in sports bras because "modesty." We wouldn't have cared so much if they'd just insisted the boys wear their fucking shirts, too.

And I get that. My school had a ban patterned shirts because — back when the rule was just "collared button downs" — a group of students started "hawaiian fridays" because hawaiian shirts are technically collared button downs. Students don't like being told what to do, and they're always looking for opportunities to

Having a blanket rule that all students be dressed modestly/professionally ("Sunday best" is a phrase one could use here) would have conveyed the same message without singling out the girls/cataloguing all the ways girls' clothes could be scandalous.

I submitted the story, so I can tell you the guy was basically outlining how to prepare his food safely — i.e., make sure it doesn't contact anything the shellfish has contacted. Even if the shellfish arrived shelled, they would still be prepared on kitchen surfaces (counters, grills, etc.), which is why he mentioned

People with shellfish allergies aren't allergic to the actual shells, so removing the shells doesn't solve the allergy problem.

I don't mean to seem dense, but how is this a relevant thing to put into the state budget?

Ok but sometimes smoked meat that isn't ham DOES taste like ham!

This post reminds me of a resume seminar I went to where they passed around an example of "how not to submit a resume," and the sample was from a kid I'd gone to high school with.
Nothing makes you feel confident about submitting a resume (or cover letter!) like knowing you can be publicly shamed for trying to get a

Saint Nicholas (the saint Santa Claus is based on) is from Turkey. Not exactly white.

I respect a strong lipstick game in all contexts, but her lipstick (however fabulous it may be) does not in fact match her shoes. Which is fine! Lord knows I don't usually match my lipstick to my shoes, either! But her lipstick is a true pink, and those shoes are berry.

How about that allowing concealed carry on campus means potential rapists are more likely to be armed? Did none of these people consider that?


My sister has this! She breaks out in hives any time she handles raw potatoes (cutting, slicing, peeling), she can only eat pit fruits if she slices them up and cuts away the fruit immediately around the pit, ditto for apples (can't eat the fruit immediately around the core). It's a real thing.

I had this experience from a server once.

Erin Ryan - A sow's ear isn't bovine, it's porcine (a sow is a pig, not a cow).

I'm sorry, but this article is bullshit.