Beach Maha

I confess that if recent, I’ve been of the Linus “I never thought it was such a bad little tree” Van Pelt opinion of Katy Perry. She has done a lot of racially oblivious cringey things and I’m sure like every famous person she’s still securely egotastic, but I think she’s a very talented songwriter and a dynamite

I never had a hard time delineating bad sex from assault, but do you, Jez....

I wish there had been all this three years ago, where twice a week I would Google some version of “Is it okay to have sex when you don’t feel like it?” and I just kept getting articles about women telling other women to take one for the team.

About a month ago, I ran after a runaway dog going full speed to try to catch him before he got hit by a car. I’m running for about three minutes before I look behind me and see a man running not far behind me and gaining speed. Thinking this had all been a Bundyesque rouse to capture a woman, I began dialing 911 and

I think the coaching women in the West are given throughout their lives to consider everyone’s feelings, not make a scene, and to doubt your own senses can slow (some) women to taking action on gut alone. (“He’s my partner and surrogate father to all my kids! Maybe I understood something benign?”) The Vanity Fair

Is this the second time Jim has put Oswald in the clink for something he didn’t do? No wonder Oswald doesn’t have (that much of) a crush on Jim anymore.

As familiar to anyone with an abuser or sexual assailant who is considered charming or more blandly “a nice guy.”

Ted Bundy didn’t murder any of his female coworkers, what’s your point?

“Jin’s getting his ass kicked by a man wearing Dockers and a pig face.”

The highlight of the episode was Oswald and Martine having a “sad Disney princess eyes” contest and somehow Oswald winning.

Better than DeVito’s weird hands Penguin, at any rate.

Poor girl, she was just a baby.

“Man, wasn’t young Rowsdower compelling?”

Couldn’t for the life of me tell that Steve and Nancy were the Risky Business characters (consistent with their relationship though: largely driven by Steve’s efforts, Nancy only kinda caring). The on-point Siouxsie Sioux costume was a little...unlikely.

No, he’s a paint by numbers physically abusive racist in the body of young Zap Rowsdower and I’m annoyed by the interest in his character I see all over the web.

Penguin is going to stress eat himself into the classic Penguin shape if he’s not careful.

Half expected Ed to pour hot soup in his lap and ask him to stay for espresso.

That gif perfectly captures the average bisexual awakening. #godspeedednygma

Tumblr is pretty horrified about the possibility of Sofia/Oswald, forgetting Oswald’s long history of seeking out replacement mommys. Then again, Oswald is pretty much into anyone that shows him attention....

Ugh, making Nygma incredibly stupid is up there with that half a season of Nice!Penguin: who needs it, what does it accomplish, and why are you actively detracting from one of the few good things about this show? What a waste of everyone’s time.