Can’t filibuster a SCOTUS judge and the Senate can still pass laws during a government shutdown.
Can’t filibuster a SCOTUS judge and the Senate can still pass laws during a government shutdown.
I will never not be angry at everyone who stayed home or voted third party in 2016.
Schumer better filibuster and shut down the government before giving Trump another pick.
A friend of mine saw her at the movies the other day and says she looked good (and I saw picture proof), so I am not terribly worried about this.
Yeah, they only announced it after it was over.
Every goddamn time I see RBG in the headlines, I have a few seconds of panic before I have a chance to read far enough to see that she’s not dead. Fucking hell.
Julianne: please fix the verb tense in your first sentence (from present tense "is undergoing" to past tense "underwent"). It happened in July and she is out of the woods according to her doctors.
Would be so very Ron Swanson to take one for the team by giving up his pancreas . . . and somehow still survive.
Don’t worry, if anything were to happen to RBG during the campaign season surely Mitch McConnell would wait until after the election to allow a nomination. Can’t have a SCOTUS nom in an election year, amitrite?
No you don’t understand - then everyone clapped and gave her $100%!
Have we verified whether or not these are American made or is it safe to assume she took her hypocrisy to China?
True but if you actually went for a run in your Lululemons it wouldn’t end with a self inflicted gunshot wound.
I’m pretty sure she had a strong opinion about athletes entering her “lane”, yet as is per normal in right wing politics, hypocrisy is unimportant.
Again, this is the funniest thing I’ve seen all week. She’s playing her current deck of cards, to take advantage of our dumbest. No one ever in the history of America ever wondered why their leggings couldn’t hold their fucking gun. No one. I hope her gun goes off in her stupid ass leggings and shoots her mouth hole…
Nothing says freedom like the red, white and blue on a clothing line made in China.
Think of the person who gave you the check. You are screwing up his checkbook.
The checks themselves do, typically after 6 months (per UCC 4-404). But more importantly to the question, that doesn’t release the issuer from the payment of the debt. Exact rulings vary per state escheatment laws, but in almost every case, the inheritors will be able to have the checks re-issued and claim the money…
Do checks in those kinds of sums expire? Can her inheritors even cash them in her name, or are they just fancy slips of paper now?
We can all relate. I have an uncashed check in my house for $250. But I feel negligent for not getting that into my bank account yet.