Queen Bea

“Like the guy in the OP” though. All s/he did was say “outrage fatigue 10/10" - which indicates exactly none of what you describe, and most likely means “everything is so terrible it’s hard not to feel numbed out for survival.” The rest is your spin. Maybe you have some, let’s call it anecdata - but I think you’ll

Oh fuck off. Nobody said they weren’t working to stop Trump and save DACA, nobody expressed a lack of empathy, and I’m pretty damn sure the person you’re finger wagging at voted and worked against Trump. It’s just exhausting. Trump and his cavalcade of chicanery is fucking exhausting. It’s hard to feel fresh new rage

I feel like a lot of this is better than neutral. I’m sure the bar for “good” from me is so low it’s buried in the basement now, but I’m going to take what I can get.

The Berkeley scientist’s resignation letter was satisfyingly scathing reading, and also spelled out I-M-P-E-A-C-H with the first letter of each paragraph. Godspeed, former science envoy guy.

Fun actual quote from the AZ governor who refused to institute MLK Day: “I’m not against the blacks, and a lot of the good blacks will attest to that” That guy was impeached and convicted for embezzlement and then he STILL ran the AZ GOP for ten more years. Arizona is fucked. up.

They’re all repugnant but DeVos getting canned would be the most delightful. I have a six year old in a Chicago public school and Betsy makes me want to bring back the public stocks.

I heard someone say today that the difference between seeing a partial eclipse and a total eclipse is the difference between reading a menu and eating.

also an option: skimming and taking a pass. I get where you’re coming from and I wouldn’t say no to some more wee fluffy animal posts to buoy us through this shitty hellscape. But Jezebel’s writers are basically traumatizing themselves with front-line exposure to the worst of Trump’s dystopia so I don’t have to.

I was once asked to work on the book for a musical written by a former D-grade Hollywood screenwriter who was a miraculous Yiddish-speaking time warp into what I kind of came to think of as Lesser Hollywood. It was set in the Catskills and it had a whole cast of offensive cyphers who were all resort guests. The jewel

He’s a famously hapless goober, isn’t he? I thought he could barely open his mouth without stepping in it well before this story broke.

I’m jealous as hell that you can throw a knuckleball.

How can we help? What can readers do to help these women?

This is sublimely hideous poetry. I love it and also hate you a little right now.

Having spent a lot of time with kindergarteners, I’d say Trump’s understanding of the way law enforcement works is probably not too far off from a five year old boy’s. Think of it: They both cannot fathom that the police would ever be wrong. They both like the idea of lights and sirens and big blaster guns that go

I gathered that the baby was two weeks premature, which would make him a 35 weeker (and which would make 6 lbs seem a lot more likely.) It’s very possible to be just a couple of weeks premature and have problems coming out early, and it’s also possible that there were complications during a delivery that was likely an


It sounds like Trump is weighing firing Sessions so he can make a recess appointment without Senate confirmation, and then he can put in someone who’ll fire Mueller and quash the Russia probe.

Being willing and able to respect someone’s humanity even when you think they’re the worst is kind of the primary differentiating factor between Republicans and Democrats, isn’t it? It seems like you can pretty much point to the GOP’s deficit in empathy to explain just about all of their most objectionable policies.

I think it’ll be much worse than locking them up because they wanted to get stoned - we’ll look back on it as when we used to lock people up for suffering from a debilitating disease, and when we treated poverty as a crime.

What’s wrong with this sentence? (Hint - possesive form versus contraction.)