Queen Bea

Oh! And this week I heard someone say something funny about stemming a panic attack: when you feel your brain starting to say TIME TO PANIC!, treat that little voice in your head like it’s GWB piping up at a Cabinet meeting. warm well-meaning shoulder-pat “That’s great, buddy, duly noted! Okay then!” quickly resuming

So the skill from DBT group that works best for me most often is kind of like mouth-to-mouth for my brain - I methodically force myself to think about something calm and mundane and absorbing until my brain can emotionally regulate itself on its own. Doing some dumb list or counting every shape in the room sort of

Wait, is that Special Ed? I remember that face because he looks so much like my lil stinker Pancake.

I’m not sure if you mean this, and I’m hoping you don’t (please don’t joke about suicide, folks) - but if you do mean it, know that people really do care. I care. Call the National Suicide Hotline at 800-273-8255. Don’t give that racist keebler elf the pleasure of your demise.

Trump was basically just playing make-believe Big Important Army Guy in his Great Big Shiny Tank BEEP BEEP when he bombed Syria, and it paid off with loads of attention and praise. I don’t think we can discount that when we’re trying to fathom what in fresh hell he thinks he’s doing right now, or what he might do

It’s the “impulsive::incompetent::impervious to outside input” juxtaposition that scares me. Trump does everything on instinct, his instincts are pretty much guaranteed bad, and he doesn’t think he needs advice or information from anybody. This man could barely play peek-a-boo without fucking it up, but he thinks

I feel worst for 9/11 birthdays, though. Nobody wants to share a birthday with an event so tragic and horrible that it ruins any other possible meaning of that date.

Sorry for your birthday ending up a bad-thing anniversary :/ My niece’s birthday is later this week on the 19th, which I am helpfully reminded of every year because of Waco/Ruby Ridge/Oklahoma City (and I think at least one other wackadoo-led atrocity.) I feel bad for her, but OTOH absolutely nobody forgets her

not to put too fine a point on it, but it’s not a big stretch for Holocaust deniers to deny another holocaust. They tried this stuff a long, long time before Syria or Sandy Hook.

Stop responding to this dipshit. Please. You’re giving his dumb ideas oxygen and letting them see the light of day where they can hurt people. For real, just say NAMASTE MOTHERFUCKER, dismiss, and hope he never has to find out how wrong-headed he is the hard way because he can’t afford some medication he or his

But oversharing ->showers of public attention -> hordes of competitors -> intense relationship drama -> more oversharing ->more showers of public attention. That’s pretty much the only thing that Paris gets up in the morning for, I think.

But Bob Dylan has ALWAYS been sullen and rude and disdainful of people who are trying to be nice to him. That’s what his primary schtick is. I’m not much of a fan of his music, so I have never understood why people feel like his talent outweighs what a monstrous prick he is. Dylan was a socially inept egotistical

Don’t think for a second that this isn’t to control “their” women, whose morals and thinky-thinky parts would “fall victim” to the seduction of another man who, just like men do, somehow can’t control their destructive sexually aggressive behavior. It’s just another way to control women and excuse men from having to

OysterCorndogTaco sounds like some excellent WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot Marines acronym, but I don’t know what for.

ah yes, the “temporarily embarrassed millionaire” problem

More than once, random people have said truly flabbergasting shit IN FRONT OF HER SIX YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. Her kid is in kindergarten and I think she has done okay with it so far for two reasons - first, to herself, she’s black AND white, and she hasn’t run up against America’s belief that you can’t be both; and second,

I think of this as English Garden Syndrome. The look is supposed to be all haphazard and natural, but you have to put in a bananas amount of hard work every single day because gardens like that go from harmonious casual to derelict vacant lot in like a second.

This is so true. I don’t hear that much casual racism thrown around because my resting bitch face doesn’t make other white ladies relaxed enough or something, I don’t know, but my transplanted South Dakota farm girl friend (who is married to a black man and has a biracial daughter) hears shit on a routine basis that

I feel like if you think someone is a once or future rapist and you have real-life examples of him being horrible to someone in your mutual friend group, then you can and should tell your other friends about this shit. If the situation is really that it’s “my word and A’s word against his,” and your circle of friends

this made me laugh so hard but it is SO TRUE. You have literally no way of knowing what the fuck was going on with the guy. We have all trained our brains to constantly scan for ways to blame ourselves, but it is both inaccurate and unhelpful. There’s no need to compound the suffering of being dumped by refusing to