Fusilli Jerry

As much as I dislike Hillary Clinton she is leaps and bounds more qualified to lead a country then Donald “Bankrupt my way to success” Trump.

That’s the scary part. He’s got a strong chance to win since it’s basically HRC at this point. If it was Bernie there might be more ambiguity between the two candidates, but two centrists, one with swing voter potential (Trump) one without (HRC) will end poorly.

Ugh. Everyone is terrible. The people sending shit in the mail, the guy being a dbag for profit, the people putting out a half assed product for profit, the lawyers, the followers of that dbag, and the people commenting on this article. Everyone.

Jesus may have cast out the peddlers and money changers in his day but now they own the church.

If there’s mud on the field you’re free to play...

The first time she drones some Arab people out of this world the period jokes will be non stop.

I did stupid stuff when I was 21.

He’ll be waiting for Hillary or Bill for a while. Perhaps until hell freezes over.

Unless they are sitting on a server your comment is meaningless. This isn’t COD.

No, it makes no difference. 0.

NFL has a manic policy against Kronic depression.

Hey, you can’t blame them for learning. Giving fans something to do makes sense at a skins game. They won’t be watching any football.

This is why I’m not going to upgrade to win 10 until it’s very very stable. So two years.

Rock on as long as you don’t vote Trump. Or Cruz. Or Rubio.

At first I was like does money help you sleep well at night? Then I was like dumb question. Because duh, yes it does.

When he was protesting with black communities in the street in the 60's I’m sure calling ghettos ghettos was an okay thing. Chalk that up to being from a time when being black could get you lynched. His actions far outweigh his misstep of words.

I missed the part where Sanders was the one at the computer. Or when he instructed his camp to find weaknesses in the system. Or to use the ill-gotten data. Did that happen? HRC directly made a claim which pissed off a large group of people, and apologized for it. Sanders camp, a ways down the line, viewed and

Read. The. Article.

I mean, Jesus was a Jew.

“But only for Bernie”.