
Jurassic World becomes a lot more interesting now that I know it's all about sleazy blow job requests.

The French Connection has the action aesthetic that everyone name checks, but not many have the balls to actually try and replicate it. Not in the West anyway.

How did he do such fantastic stunts with such little feet?

Well in Katie R. On a similar tip, the Countryman soundtrack would make a good gig too. Bob Marley, Toots & The Maytals, Aswad, Lee Perry, Steel Pulse, Rico, Dennis Brown.

Now Aunt Billy, how many times have I told you not to call here and interrupt my Kung Fu!

And still fit.

It's not Hedy, it's Hedley. Hedley Lamarr.

Man that was a utter mountain of shite. Mind, it could have been worse. It could have had Danny Dyer in it.

Ils is great.

Mmmmm…. Cake.

Mos really worked for me, was never really a David Dixon fan.

Morgan Freeman disputes this.

I was starting to feel like an outlier reading this thread. I like this movie quite a lot and it highlights that Drive is the odd one out in Refn's repertoire.

To be fair it took me about three episodes of this season to remember what had happened in season one.
I think season two was probably better than the first too.

Man I'm old. Raiders of The Pop Charts on cassette was a fixture in my coffe table sized personal stereo.
Now 2 slab 1 was still in my dj box a few years back for White Lines on side 2.

Saft yampy headed shite ay it. Gives me the screaming abdabs.

I love how Black Country Rock gets misinterpreted on t'internet by non natives.

The Idiot is still well worth your time.

Did you see Blackhat?

"All them academics comin over here. Lookin weird and talkin funny with their leather elbow patches, corduroy and shit haircuts. Used to be you could leave your door open at night… You would get your house robbed and a bit of a stabbin but at least it wasn't particle theory this and quantum mechanics that."