
Isn't it just. I live round the corner from him and that shit was full on.

Yeah. That little nugget is one that I wish the documentary had expanded on.

You mean Bum Face?

Man, it's not out till the end of Feb here. No fair.


I keep meaning to check out the new 21st Century Tank Girl.

I'm still not really over Tank Girl. Apparently there was a lot of studio shit to deal with so maybe I'll cut her some slack.

I'd have agreed up until Rush. Which I think is a cracking and part of that is due to the direction rather than being despite it

Blackhat is not a good example in my book, he was a great James Hunt though.

Oh My Gosh is a fucking monster. Especially considering the talented little scrote will have been about 2 when I was going nuts at raves and listening to mix tapes that have been perfectly distilled into this nostalgia banger. Tune.
In fact it's what we used to call a proper E Tune.

They played Shambala last year. Really good.

I really like Race For Space, works better than Inform due to it's consistency thematically. They put on a good live show if you get the chance.

I'd forgotten The Scene Between was this year. Man it sucks to be an early spring release.

Yay for Roots Manuva.

What they should have done is replace the puppet Jabba in Jedi with a fat sleazy Irish dude.

Yup, dodging space bullets is what makes the character.

I too feel bad for billionaire George Lucas.

I don't know how anyone could hate the other two. Everytime I see them interviewed these days, like the Music For Misfits series, I feel I'd like a sitcom about them.


Bit of a cheat as I finished it a couple of months ago but I really really want to big up The KLF: Chaos, Magic & The Band who Burned a Million Pounds by John Higgs. Probably my favourite book of the year, it's about as far from the standard music bio as you can possibly get encompassing not just the genius of Bill