
That's genuinely my favourite sentence in the English language, slightly misquoted or not.

I've been powering through a rewatch of the box set and Season 2 I've not seen for years and it's not that bad aside from some of the same plot lines everyone groans at.
Biggest take away this time round though is that James isn't the worst. The character is a hormonal, emotionally underdeveloped, thick as shit

I love a Mule, normally of the Jamaican or Cuban variety. Not sure about adding honey syrup though, too sweet, the ginger beer needs to be feisty too, some of the "prestige" brands don't have that edge.

Bucket curries only really rocked up in the 70's and they're still only a midlands thing at the moment.

I've only had the one listen so far but my initial impression is that it's a much stronger record than this review suggests.

It's cheese not these.

So there's a telephone to speak to god, that can be activated by the severed hand of an angel, on top of everything else this show has served up. And yet you find the fact that it has video conferencing a stretch?

7 year old me hated the Motionless Picture. But having seen it again recently, I really quite liked it and prefer it to nearly all of the other Trek movies, the ones I've seen anyway. It's the most Sci Fi-y, and I love Douglas Trumball and Gerry Goldsmiths work in it.

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

So true. For every Nighty Night we produce there are a million Mrs Browns Boys.

Opti what now?

Not all the leave voters are racists but all the racists were leave voters.

16th September apparently. Boy still hasn't had any kind of release in the UK so I'm relieved this one does. I loved Eagle Vs Shark and What We Do.

Man. This Fucking Show.

Fookin stoodent disco shite

Hah, just posted this under your stepping stone post.

That's an absolute banger, lots of love for that and this…

Bogus Journey

Not sure whether I'm committing thoughtcrime by suggesting this. But maybe, just maybe, it's an Orwellian reference?

Neunundsechzig kumpel!