
I like Cruise and most of his choices for movies. I thought Cara Delevingne did an amazing job as Enchantress, as did Sofia Boutella as the Mummy, and also appreciated Universal making the mummy a female. And Hollow Man was good, gory fun with some great f.x. Guess we have different tastes, or rather, I like cool stuff

They’ve banned others before for racist, hateful rhetoric. Why can’t Twitter grow a pair and ban trump and his son for doing the same? It would effectively stifle the fraud-in-chief and he would have no outlet other than Fox and Friends to get out his petty, childish and sometimes even dangerous words of ignorance and

trump really is a slimeball. And Scalia, Hatch and Adelson’s wife aren’t deserving of any medals. They certainly don’t belong in the same company as treasured American heroes like Babe Ruth and Elvis Presley. trump puts a stain on everything he touches, his Cabinet, the Supreme Court, everything. He has to go.

The NRA apparently is just as financially savvy as the orange clown they support whose casinos (three) went under, and couldn’t borrow money from Wall St. anymore so he had to turn to Russia, which the NRA is in bed with as well. The terrorist triangle - trump, the NRA and Russia. Two of those three are on their way

It’s ridiculous in the first place to have a press secretary speaking for a ‘president’ who constantly attacks the press and deems them the enemy, completely going against the First Amendment of the Constitution. It is this administration and Republicans in Congress who are the enemy of the people, peeling back our

Democrats need to be loud and proud regarding the issues they are addressing and that affect the vast majority of Americans. Repubs don’t have the issues on their side because what they push for only help the privileged few at the top. That’s why they resort to voter suppression, voter purges and gerrymandering in a

We really need Gillum, Abrams and Beto to win, and begin the tide of turning Florida, Georgia and Texas blue. Once they go blue, they’ll never go back, and that should effectively end the Republican Party.

Reagan? Seriously? The guy who set us back environmentally for decades. The guy who deregulated the banks which set us up for the economic collapse under Bush II. And the guy who set the path of the Republican Party which led to trump. Sen. McCain was the last decent Republican in office. That the rest have put

Right? He has absolutely no love or appreciation for culture, art (unless its a portrait of himself), nature, animals and pets, music, movies, sports or anything of any real value. Why even be alive? He’s a complete waste of a human being.

Accepting even one dime at Mar-A-Lago, not to mention his hotels, like the one in D.C., is a conflict of interest and should not be allowed. This clown is profiting off the presidency and it has to stop, or better yet, he has to prison.

Sorry, not sorry, and 1st Amendment whatever, but anyone claiming to be a Nazi or other hate and violence-spewing white nationalist group should be arrested on the spot, tossed in a faraway prison with the keys thrown away. Our soldiers died fighting these monsters in WWII, and letting them openly and brazenly (thanks

Glad they were all exonerated, but it shouldn’t have taken so long. Who the administration should be going after are the Nazis and other white supremacists who are allowed to freely march in our streets promoting hate and violence. And the NRA, which has clearly become a terrorist group promoting more gun violence.

He is such a pathological liar, he can’t even be truthful of what he’s doing for Father’s Day. Doesn’t look like he spent a minute with any one of his kids. Real family man - no wonder Evangelicals/Conservatives love the serial adulterer so much.

In the words of his own hand-picked administration, trump is an idiot and a moron. He can’t spell, talk or even shake hands properly with others. He’s socially inept with no intellectual curiosity and a complete and utter embarrassment to this country. He cannot go soon enough. And, poor Melanie, she deserves better.

The shooter was into guns, nazis and trump, the 3 things we need to get rid of in this country.

Thank you for posting her speech. I can’t believe the White House had anything to do with bestowing her honor considering who she teaches. I know the WH and Repubs are cold stone tone-deaf but there’s just no way. Of course, realizing who she taught, of course they didn’t allow press/cameras. So thank you for getting

He gets no love from his estranged love so mabe that’s why he kept hugging, kissing and holding hands with the French President, who couldn’t really spur trump’s advances if he wants to increase France’s standing in the world. France doesn’t need the U.S. They can act on their own regarding climate change and other

Verlander needs to learn the game. How many times did he say, ‘I don’t know.’? If you don’t know, shut up. Laying down when you’re down 5-0 is not good baseball. You’re trying to spark something. And why not get excited when you do. I still play ball at over 50, and oftentimes when one of my teammates makes a nice

Interesting that there was never one shred of innuendo or accusation that Pres. Obama ever had an affair or paid off a porn star or mistress. You would think that such a strong, faithful family man would earn the respect of Republicans and Evangelicals at least for that quality since they so often flaunt their ‘family

Nugent could not be more irrelevant today when it comes to music and certainly any political issue. The NRA has barely 5 million members, which isn’t really ‘millions and millions,’ and most of those want common sense gun reform, which the NRA’s ‘leaders’ ignore because all they care about is money, not lives. The NRA