
Such an enormous and foolish waste of money that could be better put to use elsewhere, like helping homeless veterans, feeding hungry children or protecting the environment (the thing that provides our air, water and food). This whole border wall/security is a solution looking for a problem that doesn’t really exist,

But it is the U.S. that leads the world in gun deaths, which number in the tens of thousands every year. And Repubs, who are bought and paid for by the NRA, do nothing. Hopefully, this new connection with the NRA funneling money to Trump from Russia will bring that terrorist/murder organization down.

When she says that half the country (it’s actually less than half, it’s just that voter suppression and gerrymandering make it seem more like half), of which she is a part of, share conservative views, well, that is code word for racist views, and its what got this clown in the white house elected. Just like Make

I agree. While I’ll admit to playing golf with my dad many times, and I especially treasure those moments now that he’s gone, they should turn all golf courses into nature preserves and keep those employed to maintain and protect said preserves. But hey, not all golfers are bad people. As one gets older and less

Funny. That being said, there is no reason humans should be drinking the milk of another species. No other animal on Earth does it. It’s not necessary. Plus, cows are horribly and inhumanly treated - the calves are taken away from their moms right after birth, headed to become veal, while the moms are drained of their

That’s right. African American groups don’t need to be scrutinized - they already have been for decades. We should be investigating anyone aligned with hate groups like those that marched in Charlottesville, and keeping tabs on anyone buying more than a couple of guns. Those are the real threats to America.

Gorsuch is not qualified to be on the Supreme Court. Pres. Obama’s choice, Merrick Garland, is. McConnell stole this pick and everything about it reeks. Unless a miracle happens, we are stuck with him for decades. Not good for America, which has clearly shown it wants to move forward, not backward, which is where the

Sorry, not sorry, but you can’t call yourself a Christian and also be a Trump supporter. The man-child is everything a real Christian isn’t, or shouldn’t be - racist, misogynistic, vulgar, anti-environmental, rich, egotistical - all qualities Jesus would frown upon. How can evangelicals, despite their

Actually, most veterans would say they fought for this country so its citizens could have the right to peacefully protest against injustice.

Ted Cruz is the most hated person in Congress. Al Franken tells a great joke that he likes Ted more than most of his colleagues, and he hates him. It’s hard to fathom how any Texan likes Cruz, just as bewildering how any Kentuckian could like Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan. (They are just as dumbfounded in KY how they

It’s a sad thing that, just like a lot of Christians are the ones who seem to have the least Christian values, a lot of those sporting American flags and shouting U.S.A.! are the least American of all. America, and Christianity, is one of inclusiveness, welcoming others, helping those in need and allowing those within

Too much rap just sounds the same, and it’s people singing about themselves and their often lavish lifestyle. There’s no depth. Also, without the ability to come up with their own riffs and hooks, everyone from Vanilla Ice to Lil’ Wayne to Kanye West appropriate the music of earlier rock or pop artists (and a number

This sounds similar to what the NFL does to host cities for the Super Bowl, or the Olympics committee in choosing their host cities. They enforce all these stipulations, make the host cities pay for everything and come away making money while the host city is left in the dust. We need to put a stop to powerful

I’ve also heard the term used for Jewish people, for years always wondering what’s his problem with Canadians?

I don’t believe the hate-spewing, violence-inciting Nazis, White Supremacists and KKK should be protected under the 1st Amendment. It doesn’t apply to them. Those before us gave their lives fighting the Nazis and now we let them march in our American streets? No, just no. The only people who should be showing up at

It’s a good idea. A lot of Taco Bells close their stores early but their drive-thrus are open late. If you’re not driving and are taking an Uber or Lyft, that’s the only way. I asked my Uber driver once if he wouldn’t mind taking me through the drive-thru, but I got my order to go and waited until I got home to eat.

Sounds like a jealous Mets or Red Sox fan.

The Yanks don’t have Jeter, Mariano, Posada and other favorite Yankees anymore. Brett Gardner is the longest tenured player on the team. We’ve had a lot of turnover, and though new players, Judge, Sanchez and Bird are exciting, it will take some time for fans to come around. Especially with the lack of playoff

Good for you commenting on a show you never watch. Must feel great.

My reply wasn’t meant for you - I agree with you. I think this whole thing was to deflect against the Russian investigation and get Trumpy’s ridiculously low approval ratings up. And the stupid press is complying with it.