Bob Dylan Thomas Dolby Digital (Analog)

Guaranteed Rate’s logo type is even in Shitty Generic Arial. How’d they afford naming rights?

Apparently, I briefly slipped into a Berenstein alternate universe where Philip Bailey was Billy Ocean. My apologies. Also, every comedy song was by some guy named “Wierd Al Yankovich.”

If only Wesley Willis were here to record a dozen anti-Trump songs…

Stop singing and start singeing!

Boyz 4 Now
B12 (Boys 12)
N Talented

The Flaming Lips’ “Waitin’ for a Superman”


An ocean…of franks.

I memorized the lyrics to “Trippin’ on a Hole in a Paper Heart” at the age of 10 or 11 and probably sang them on the swings, as I did with most songs I liked back then.

Bad cover, wonderful album. For many years, Purple was my favorite STP LP, but Tiny Music… has eclipsed it as I’ve grown up. The musical arrangements are luscious, and Weiland’s croons and reedy harmonies are aural candy. I’ve never listened to No. 4—is it in the same vein? “Sour Girl” seems to point to yes.

I recall the generic Europop theme song that was later replaced by the jazzy version with 40% of The B-52s.

I had to scroll back up to figure out that O.J. Simpson wasn’t one of the producers divulging details about the show.

Or Lisa Kudrow.

After Smash TV’s “Turbo,” I cannot imagine Jean-Claude Van Damme without the theme from Fletch as accompaniment.

Our local vegan cupcake shop closed some months ago. It’s now a barbershop in a somewhat saturated market. Reverse gentrification?


“Cock Lobster”
“69 Girls”
“Private Idle Ho”
“Mess o’ Poontangia”
“Good Staff”
“Meat Beat Club”

I had “Seether” in my head before going to bed tonight. Haven’t heard that one in a while, even on my ’90s alternative YouTube journeys.

I shadowcasted Farley Flavors in 2008. My greatest role. And, now that you mention it, eerily prescient.

So this is goodbye…