Bob Dylan Thomas Dolby Digital (Analog)

A few months after I moved to upstate New York, I was amazed to see a bald eagle fly overhead as I walked on a trail between two islands on the Mohawk. I was surprised to learn that these majestic creatures were bouncing back in a semi-urban environment.

Dear Ms. Ono,

I saw a taping of College Championship Jeopardy! in 2004. They shot the whole series in one stretch, with Alex changing suits between episodes to give the appearance of multiple days. When a question was reassessed, they punched in a different response.

I very much agree with this. My Facebook history tells me I’ve posted this link many times in recent years. In 2004, my first Presidential election, I guessed on the down-ballot items. In 2008, I found Vote411 and refer to it before every election, mostly for the local and state races. With the fall of local

Hey, you could write in yourself!

I got to our little ice arena at 7:00 (polls opened at 6:00) and was relieved to find no line. In and out in about 5 minutes. Our neighborhood seems to have a mix of political leanings, but everyone seemed chill and respectful.

Presented by Marc Anthony Weiner.

I thought the name came from oui + ja, both meaning “yes.” Guess I should ask Yahoo! Answers to find out for sure.

Burns’s cover of “Dead” on the They Might Be Giants tribute album Hello Radio is good, too—in the Dustmites vein.

I read that as “CROOKED CELERY.”

I took a tour of Olana given by a robot whose only known adjective was “beautiful.”

Lady Digital turned me on…

I get it! Like that band from the plane!

Vancouver, Vancouver! This is it!!!

I’ve done the hose + stomp technique. I briefly thought, “Poor things, struggling just to move,” but then I remembered: “I WILL PROTECT THIS HOUSE.”

Combine with Chive on potatoes.

And she wouldn’t break it with her hands…

Welp, I picked a bad story to read during my 2:00 snack break.

31 here. Lady Digital and I used to watch the whole Fox Sunday animation block (on homemade pizza night, no less). We moved a few blocks and couldn’t pull in our local Fox affiliate over the air, so we dropped everything but Bob’s Burgers, which we love and continued to catch up on with Hulu. Then Hulu ended free

Needs more “disaster”s.