Bob Dylan Thomas Dolby Digital (Analog)

While reading the Chrissie Hynde article yesterday at a behavioral health clinic’s waiting room, a man came down the hall wearing a T-shirt that said, “Marriages Don’t Fail. Wives Fail.” He sat next to me.

Like my childhood Dylan/Springsteen confusion.

I lived in Columbia, South Carolina when I first listened to “The Voice of Harold,” so I was excited that it referenced a studio or label across the river in West Columbia. I never did try to find the place.

Oh. I thought the episode title was pronounced “Dro-nez.” Now I get it.

Tying alien encounters and outsider musicians together is Tonetta’s song “Aliens” (words and associated screencaps NSFW):…

Daddy Digital had the same name as an abusive husband in our area, and we received calls from the mother-in-law even after we changed the answering machine message to note the distinction. Somewhere, I have tape of a cigarette tar–laden twang saying, “I’m gonna rip yer head off—and you won’t have no shoulders left.

Scrolling through this article paid off handsomely with that concluding letter and all its barbs. Bravo, Mr. Teti, and good luck getting what I presume is your first publication in the Times!

Great, now I have Scatman John stuck in my head.

Ev’rybody jumpin’ outta they [people] skins.

I am genuinely surprised you did not refer to foödstamps or noödles.

About ten years ago, I made the shameful mistake of responding to a man’s panhandling on the bus with questions about how he could need change if he was dressed in flashy clothing. Because clearly a person’s appearance is an indicator of their solvency.

YES! Yes, yes…

Well, that’s raillay, raillay nayce, but you helve a prolblem.

“Black metal—like HON brand file cabinets!”

I read about that in Savage Love! It's a thing.

One of my friends had a bootleg DVD of Paul Stanley’s turn as the title character in a Canadian production of The Phantom of the Opera. Dear Starchild, was that weird.

They Might Be Giants’ “P.S.O.K.” from a few years back also mined this banter. I especially liked the chopping of one of his spiels into “There is only one city in America!”

I also remember the Flying Wild trailer from another VHS. I recall watching the movie several times in the YMCA afterschool program.

I feel compelled to create a “Xenu Is the Villain” gimmick account.

Too skinny to resemble Marlon Brando!