
Oh, fine. Just take the damn star.

This is a fascinating issue to me, because it touches on a larger question (for which there is no real definite answer). Does the motivation of an expression of sympathy or an act of charity matter? In other words, if you tweet to this player that you hope he gets well soon, because you’re worried about your fantasy

The Orlando Sentinel article provides more clarification in response to your concerns (I also live in Central Florida).

I was trying to read this article, but it was hard to concentrate while shrieking at the top of my lungs.

This is a hard situation. I’m an attorney and volunteer as a guardian ad litem and I’ve seen these sorts of cases go a lot of different ways. I’ve seen mentally handicapped individuals who make great parents and are able to do fine with just the occasional check-in from a state agency. But I’ve also seen kids injured

The irony that gets forgotten in all this is that if the Electoral College had been left to work as originally intended, Trump would almost certainly not be president. If groups of electors were actually sent by each state to vote and were free to vote as they chose (the way it used to be) noone would have gotten a

Presumably doing their jobs and voting. These protests are in Berkeley, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago and NY and those states all went solidly blue.

Again, I just don’t understand what the NFL’s incentive is to police personal conduct AT ALL. Or at least to not adapt a bright line policy (like the drug policy) - first felony conviction goes to counseling and is private, second conviction is a one-year suspension, third conviction is a ban. Period, done. All the