
So.. about 7 years ago we were about to have our third kid and my wife didn’t want an SUV so I begrudgingly bought a minivan. I didn’t want a new one, so I got a couple year old Chrysler with the 3.8 because power and heard it was the most reliable one. Chrysler and reliable. Oh man.

True story - when I was 16 I wanted almost this EXACT CAR. BAD. There was one at a used car dealership about a mile away from my house and I used to ride by it all the time. Manual trans just like this one, etc etc. My Dad wouldn’t let me get it, even though I knew the failings of these engines and Chrysler, I just

The answer to that is: “Buick”.

I think it’s a fair mix of that, cheap rates and the fact that the new vehicles people are buying are just getting stupid expensive. These days a $50k pickup or SUV is a base model, so $30k for a 5 year old one somehow seems sane.

My next one, I’ll buy new. Unless I decide a GT500 or Mach 1 to replace my DD when I give it to my daughter when she turns 16 (current DD: Accord EX, fun day DD: F-150 with big tires and loud exhaust).

I didn’t do as bad, but long story short I needed a minivan for the family truckster, and limited it to either a Toyota or Honda, 2008 or newer (bad Chrysler experience). I found... four in our city of 300,000 that met the criteria I had. I still paid a hell of a premium for a Odyssey, and found dealers completely

I must be the opposite. Low rates made me finally get car loans (for the first time since, no kidding 2001) this year simply because they made it so I could finance for shorter terms and not pay much interest. Most expensive car bought this year I financed for 4 years, other two were for two.

Downside: used cars are

Can confirm. Just bought three used cars in the past 12 months. Was very annoyed at pricing. Especially Hondas (seems like they are priced like “wrapped in platinum encrusted Unicorn tears”).

Bonus - used car pricing paid off when selling. Still, annoying.

My Mom has had Mustang GT’s for the past 15 years in Nebraska and she’s always made it through the winter fine. How? She drives my old man’s pickup until the plows hit.

Please tell me I'm not the first one to notice the in-transit sticker in the passenger window??? Yeah the car was pretty recently bought..

Owned a 94 LS with a manual. I still miss that car, it was brilliant. And that noise!

This is an excellent point not just of Apple computers, but of Apple mobile devices. An example right now because I'm about to upgrade. Two phones I got last year within a week of each other on their launch date, current swappa and craigslist value:

I agree. These things go for that here, and they're rusted. And in way worse shape. That price is screaming NP.

Holy shit. I would buy it. Hell I'd fly out to NYC and buy it.

Who wants a gently used F-150? Two limited slip diffs and the legendary 4.6! Daddy needs a 4 Runner...

I'd really make you mad then, for I dare to take with an iPhone AND an Android phone AAAND - get your internet panties bunch - a iPod Touch with me.


Of this list, X1 Carbon all the way. I buy them for everyone at work that wants a Windows laptop in either touch or non-touch, and both generations are impressive. Latest one was the gen2 touch with the high res display and built in Verizon LTE.

How about showing how to build a VM host? With Hyper-V being included with Windows 8.1, and VirtualBox being excellent - even a modern $300 PC could host everything - FreeNAS, pfsense, etc - on one box.

And I guess I should really expand on this. As I kid I was bullied pretty mercilessly, in fact after posting this to Facebook someone I went to grade school with came out and said I got it worse than any other kid he'd ever seen. Why is pretty simple - some of the things in articles like this I took to heart - don't

Right so I took the pictures (you can see them on instagram/bdinger), and seemingly started this internet meltdown.

I wish the school could have publicly shared what they did privately with me because on reading their initial response I about went nuclear. After talking to them I realize it was a screw up done with

Right so I took the pictures (you can see them on instagram/bdinger), and seemingly started this internet meltdown.

I wish the school could have publicly shared what they did privately with me because on reading their initial response I about went nuclear. After talking to them I realize it was a screw up done with