
FWIW see my reply below, and I'm guessing non-Samsung rabid fans feel the same way as I do. I seriously can't wait for Sprint to get this thing, I'll be trading in the iPhone 4S (which I begrudgingly went to after finally having enough of the Galaxy Nexus) in a One the second it's available.

Maybe - JUST MAYBE - it's because someone is finally calling Samsung out on making underwhelming plasticky shit? I saw that as someone who has owned:

Lenovo ThinkPad, specifically the T, W or X1. The T530 and W530 can both be had with a 1920x1080 display, while the X1 can be had with a 1600x900. Lenovo's ThinkPad keyboards are also the best, arguably.

There is nothing more valuable than your time with your kids. I think this every day about my three kids, as I see them growing rapidly. My oldest just turned 12 and she's amazing, but I find I've missed so much of her life because I've been constantly working.

Your old CEO sounds like the right type - I've learned from some of the smartest leaders that being a leader is more about "MBWA" - aka Management By Walking Around. I don't know how anyone could lead a department, let alone a company, without walking around and visiting with those they lead daily.

Hear hear. I agree completely, it's what made me decide five years ago to take my current job, as the others I interviewed for just didn't give me that vibe and the job I left came with a great relationship to the President/owner. I still visit the latter's lake house in the summer, and help his wife when her

Every day. He's a great guy that I admire a lot, and we talk about anything from work to the new supercharged Range Rover. I also have exchanged emails and conversations with our parent company COO, and he's a great guy as well. It does help that my position comes with a higher rank/access, but at the same time -

This has happened to us TWICE, and in both cases Apple has happily refunded the money. It's a sleazy thing that the app "developers" use to make money, but it's out there and happening. It would definitely be much worse if Apple didn't refund it.

Could be something to do with the new network recovery in the UEFI, yeah. That said I've never had a problem on my late-2011 MacBook Pro, and I guess I'll find out how my new MacBook Air does tomorrow when it arrives.

I fly to John Wayne every year, and every year that takeoff just gets me. Last year it was much better in a Frontier Airbus than it's been in the Continental/United 737's but still.

I'm a IT samurai, of sorts, basically do everything. The fun part of my job is internal photo and video stuff, but it can vary from just about everything. Most of the time the Surface can handle it, but definitely any video editing is done on the MacBook Pro.

Hear hear. I've got a late 2009 white MacBook and it's probably my favorite computer, despite being my oldest and slowest on paper. With an Intel SSD and 8GB of RAM it handles everything I throw t it, plus being one of the most lap-friendly computers, ever.

I have both - yes a MacBook and a Surface Pro - and both are far more useful than a Chromebook. Hell, just the other day I fired up Premiere Pro and did some quick edits and posted a full 1080p/24 video - FROM MY TABLET. Wasn't the fastest thing in the world, but it worked.

Surface Pro or RT? See my post, I <3 my Pro.

Here are the contents of the two laptop sleeves, sorry but uhh - no way am I emptying the camera bag. I used to carry a ton of stuff with me, but that was pretty dumb so now I try to go minimal. Say what you will about it, but the Surface Pro has REALLY helped in that respect. It's amount of power and flexibility

Right, so I'm a total bag geek. I will admit that by far these are not the only bags I have, by any stretch, but they are the ones that I use daily. I try to be "modular" so I can carry as much or as little as I choose to. First are my bags, then the contents in the comments. I use a kinda crappy Blackburn pannier

This. I bought a Surface Pro mainly because I wanted/need the extra horsepower of the i5. I'm immensely happy with it, yet it's not a tablet for me - it's more of a laptop replacement.

Architecture. I'd be surprised if these apps run well, and if many run at all. It's going to have to not just emulate a system, but emulate architecture. Ask anyone who emulated Windows back in the PowerPC Mac days (you definitely *could*) how well that goes.

Whoa sweet - thanks Alan! As a bike commuter nutjob person, I realize that I need more to illuminate me. This looks like a pretty sweet weekend project here soon..

Two weeks ago, well, I should have taken a video.  You see I'd just got done snowblowing my parents place and took the long way home - via country roads.  Some snowdrift blasts in the mighty quad cab Dakota had given me courage.  Stupid, horrible, stupid courage.  

So there I am with a gigantic (no, seriously, it's a