
Nice idea, but you need a flat surface in order to use this thing to type. At most events like this, you have a chair and nothing else, so, you are still stuck unless you want to put a hard surface on your lap first.

Let's see, no mention of battery life at the event. Red Flag. Nobody allowed to use the keyboard at the event. Red Flag. It looks nice, but Balmer is a bumbling idiot.

Why does it have to be your life savings? If you are foolish enough to invest your entire life savings in the stock market, that's your problem.

Facetime works fine on the iPhone 4 over 3G. You can jailbreak your phone and get an app the tricks the phone into thinking it is on WiFi when it is on 3G. Works like a charm.

Also, who needs Unlimited minutes anymore? With free mobile to mobile calling, free calls with Skype and all the other options out there, the lowest voice plan is suitable for 99% of the population. A business user is different, but these plans are for consumer users.

40 bucks just to access the network with your phone? That is outrageous. How is this better for the consumer again? Most people with only two phones on a current family plan will either come out even with no unlimited data or pay more per month for the same thing they currently have because they are charging more per

The thing you are failing to recognize is that a Windows Tablet can run any Windows software, where an iPad or Android can't. If I can run the full version of Office that I need for work and have the ability of a tablet, that is double the value. I still don't want one, but I don't seem them positioning this to beat

That guy doesn't know how a funnel works.

A quick Google search indicates that the legal age of consent in Belize is 16. Some states in the US have a legal age of consent of 16. Unless she was there against her will, it is perfectly legal to have relations with a 17 year old. Immoral? Probably. Illegal? No!

They're right. If the feature tying you to their platform were available on another, better device why would you keep the crappy BlackBerry? BlackBerry is a dinosaur that will be extinct in a few years, they haven't come up with anything innovative since the very first innovation of mobile email.

I don't ever respond to these because if you are dumb enough to lose your phone, I don't want to know you.

I don't feel so bad about my situation than. I ordered something online that was going to ship from New York to PA. I looked at the tracking to find that my package went from New York, to North Carolina and is now on it's way to PA. And people wonder why the USPS is losing money. Ineptitude at it's finest.

It says "sarting with" 2300 dollars each. That doesn't mean that is the total when all is said and done. Hopefully!! Anyway, I wonder what renters insurance covers in this instance too?

If they take a more active role, how do they expect them to know that the material was not put there by the copyright holder or not? That is why the system is in place for the copyright holder to report violations, it isn't nor should it be the site operators responsibility. YouTube should just start removing

Also, offline access. My drive to/from work takes me through and AT&T dead zone, so I can continue my listening without interruption.

I think people are failing to understand how this works. You have to already subscribe to X-Finity TV and have at least a cable card installed somewhere in your house. This doesn't count against your data cap, because it isn't streaming over the internet. It acts just like a cable box, OnDemand content and live TV

I have used it extensively. Are you saying that scrolling around on Metro is as fast as using the start menu in Windows 7? Not even close.

In the developer preview it was a registry hack, you still didn't get a start menu or anything though so it is not like going back to Windows 7. Also, that hack no longer works in the consumer preview. You have to install a third party start menu replacement utility to get anything close to a start menu. This is a

Microsoft is doing with Windows 8 what they did with Vista and Windows ME. It seems every other OS they release is a huge failure and then the get it right with the next one. Windows 9 should be awesome if their track record holds true.

Apple may do that, but you can be sure that all their new computers will have touchscreen. Even the iMac. For older machines I am sure it will work better with a mouse than metro does.