
Not that I have seen. I have the consumer preview running on one of my lab computers and it is horrible to use with a mouse. Not impossible, but everything takes longer without the touchscreen.

It will be One-Size-FAILS-All. This is a touchscreen OS they are going to shoehorn onto non-touchscreen devices, that spells failure.

If they think people are going to use this on non-touchscreen devices, they are high. It is awful to use without a touchscreen. Why design an interface for touchscreens and then expect people to also use it on non-touchscreen devices. It's not a good idea. Business will not migrate to this, it just doesn't make sense

Who are you to say what a reasonable price is? What is reasonable to me, may not be reasonable to others. I'd be willing to pay, say, 50-60 bucks a month to be able to have new and better selection than what Netflix has. Apple makes their money in sheer volume, other services can't touch the volume Apple could

The only time this would be handy, is like when the buzzer to my building was broken and I had to have friends call me so I could come down and let them in, otherwise, complete waste of time and really bad manners.

Netflix doesn't have the cash to pay the studios what they want to license ALL their content for streaming. Apple does and then some. I must have missed the part when Netflix got every show and not just a small selection of second and third rate content that they could afford to pay for. You can't stream everything

Right now VOD in subscription form is limited. What people want is to be able to watch any episode of any show any time they want. The current models don't do that. That is where the revolution is. The TV industry thinks people still want to buy DVD box sets of old catalog shows that for one reason on another they

This is simply a hosted DVR. How is that illegal?

First of all, 450 isn't super cheap. Secondly, Micro Center was selling the iPad 2 for 50 bucks off for months leading up to Christmas, so this isn't really anything related to iPad 3.

Needs work. I unchecked Eggs and it keeps suggesting Eggs.

Why waste your time when Grooveshark will be sued out of existence very soon?

The movie studios are dooming themselves to repeat the mistakes the music industry made. People will just pirate more and more movies this way. Most movies these days are shit anyway.

There are places online that sell replacement LCD panels for the iPad 2, so you must be able to take it apart.

Look, RIM everything new RIM does fails. They have two dinosaurs running the show, until they are gone they will continue their downward spiral to oblivion just like the real dinosaurs did.

Of course they didn't learn anything from the Playbook. As long as the two dopes they have as CEOs are in charge, they are doomed. They are doomed anyway, but getting rid of the two dinosaurs from the stone ages of mobile will prolong the inevitable for a while.

It lost momentum because you can only get in if you are friends with a member who you also happen to be friends with on Facebook. That is just plain stupid.

Showtime is owned by CBS who is probably the biggest non-streaming network of them all. Don't hold your breath on Showtime either. As long as these networks, Showtime (CBS), HBO (Time Warner) are owned by cable providers, and/or big networks they aren't going to be that into streaming without the cable subscription

I can finally ignore Guy Kawasaki. Dude thinks Google + is his blog.

Why do people still not mention the fact that while yes, Android has more market share, there are hundreds of different devices that run them. There is only technically 4 iPhone models. Having 26% of any market with four devices is no small feat. What "work" can you do on Android phone that you can't on iOS? List

People that don't have a disability can just easily move on to their destination and not worry too much about it. How do you know the actual costs he incurred? Maybe as a result of him being delayed getting to his destination he lost a business or job opportunity. The point is, handicapped people in this country are