
Ren and Stimpy?

Sponge Bob Square Pants.


Unfortunately, I think if this article was rewritten next year we'd have to put Community on the list. Show has really lost it's magic/charm after Harmon left. The first two seasons are golden.

Just got home from the 5PM showing. I guess I don't know what all the griping is about..i went in without any expectations — and I REALLY enjoyed that movie. The visuals were stunning, Cruise was really great, and the story was standard sci-fi..(not in a bad way.)

I have bought around a dozen vinyls simply for their artwork. Everyone always compliments me on them when they visit my home office. The large high quality images look so great when they're framed.

If Best Week Ever was still a thing on VH1, I'd say Patton Oswalt takes the crown this week. Yes?

Shouldn't it be the other way around?

I went to see Jurassic Park 3D Friday afternoon and it was INCREDIBLE. I honestly think if you change out a few things, you could pass this off as a movie made in 2013.

They just announced we're going to try to hook up with an asteroid.. after the last 24 months of disappointment (other than Curiosity)..let's just be happy with that news! Not that my opinion matters, but i think trying something new like visiting an asteroid will be more helpful with future Mars mission, than going

Singer is clearly referring to having Sentinels in DoFP, that's already been rumored. His work on Giant Slayer should already have base started for the CGI.

I know to a lot of the readers of Gizmodo these seem like really obvious concepts to secure your identity. However, I work at a bank that's placed in an older neighborhood...and if I shared some of the stories I've heard you guys would be pulling your hair out. It's mind blowing how oblivious some people can be about

I came in with low expectations and I was really impressed. They didn't try to promote some new gimmick like a new motion, or force 3D gaming on us. They really aimed things at hardcore gamers. For me — they did and said all the right things. I was only disappointed that we didn't get to see the actual hardware.

I'll hold off on some of the things i don't like and try to be positive: It appears to have built in speakers. That could be neat!

First digital gage I ever saw in person, belonged to my best friends' parents growing up. They had a Chevy Caprice that was formally a police cruiser. That thing was a tank.

I'm honestly not a fan of these renderings. I've seen better ones online..especially the different Iron Man that's been floating around for sometime. Some of these are existing Pixar characters dressed as DC/Marvel characters. (I like the Magneto one) Nevertheless, i hope Pixar takes on a comic book movie sometime.

I'm pretty fond of the original Nokia ringtone. It's what I use for everyone except my best friend. He gets the Back to the Future theme.

Has to be a viral advertisement for those cameras they're wearing on their heads...right?

I'm sure I'll be attacked for saying this here but..

Working fine in Iowa City.