As a Rays fan, I have gone from thinking Wil Myers might be Roy Hobbs to thinking he might be Joe Charboneau. At this moment, I am still not sure.
As a Rays fan, I have gone from thinking Wil Myers might be Roy Hobbs to thinking he might be Joe Charboneau. At this moment, I am still not sure.
It's not like he missed a bunch of free throws, didn't run hard to first, pronounced the seats at Yankee Stadium to be "affordable," mentioned Tiger Woods' score even if Tiger Woods was out of contention, or acted like all third-down situations are equal. I mean, come ON, Phil.
And in the case of a public figure (which Sterling certainly would be), he'd have to prove either that SI knew it wasn't true or acted with reckless disregard for that truth. NY Times v. Sullivan. He certainly could sue, and apparently has no lack of love for the judicial process, but I'm not sure how far he would…
"Predator" might be a bit strong. We don't know much about this woman, but she's an adult (by a long shot) and surely has choices. "Predator" would presume she was naive or incapable of defending herself or making a choice to leave. "Creepy," absolutely. But humans have the freedom to make choices. And if their…
Further proof that some really hot young chicks will put up with absolutely anything if you have a ton of money.
Now we know where the graphics guy who did the Kaepernick thing landed.
If you constantly consume Deadspin for "legitimate sports news," you're doing it wrong. That's not on Tom Ley. That's on you.
Unfamiliar with how Deadspin actually works, are we?
DeSmit's not much for your fancy newfangled anything.
I think even Fire Joe Morgan would have been saying, "Jeez, it's 2005 and people still think this?"
Hey, El Paso has a pithing coach.'re dumb, too.
( a ) I really can't fucking believe you're so howl-at-the-fucking-moon stupid as to think that was anything but sarcasm, you Internet Jackoff and
Man, the 80s really ARE coming back.
Also to alex newell that irony and coincidence aren't the same thing.
"He's not inscrutable, though. That's those damn Japs. They're inscrutable."
You can call me Billy Clyde. And the irony of someone being too fucking stupid to recognize sarcasm is semi-hilarious, in a way. So go fuck yourself.
Doesn't matter! There's a woman and nakedness and a quarterback and some other men, so COLIN KAEPERNICK TOTALLY RAPED A GIRL, YOU GUYS. Now all we need are Colin Cowherd's opinion and Jaws saying he might be the best non-rapist rapist in history.
Am I wrong, or does "sexual assault" not actually appear in the incident report? Statute Code 777.7777 doesn't appear to actually exist. Sexual battery is Code 794 in Florida Statutes. (EDITED to insert a "y" chromosome.)
I would suggest the pseudonym PhilMushnick.