He lasted longer than Clough at Leeds.
He lasted longer than Clough at Leeds.
Does anyone think the ESPN Effect has anything to do with it? When you come into the ESPN family, all of a sudden you have to become like ESPN. And ESPN needs storylines.
To be fair, they ARE, actually, idiots.
I’m not a fan of Mrs. Clinton, but there simply is no plane of reality on which a Trump presidency is preferable to a Clinton presidency.
I guess it’s not worth mentioning that Kaepernick was “on top” prior to Ferguson, right?
Non-rich people protest: ignored.
As I’ve long said, the absolute best person to ask about that topic is a white Southerner.
Notice that at no point does he claim to be oppressed. Yet White Media Guys like Gottlieb are sure he is claiming that, therefore, he has no right to speak for people who are. And they seem to have forgotten their #knowyourplaceboy hashtags that you know they were thinking.
Except for the pesky detail of all those people who voted for them both.
David Warnke likes this.
Grew up in Tampa and have been a Buc fan since 1976.
That’s too far to go for some Chinese.
“NASL: Good league!”
Remember, you can’t intimate that some police officers are bad.
Moon landing.
That would actually have been the 50th minute.
Note to That Guy: the universe - the entire fucking universe - is a series of randomly occurring events. There is no plan. There are no Illuminati. None of that shit is real.
I’m surprised Haisley didn’t take this one on and claim it was because of a lack of promotion and relegation. Because Europe.
Has he considered a magic necklace?