
"Ultimately, this defense is what happens when you’ve allowed what the world expects of Black men to exist as your standard. You start believing the hype…"

Awesome! Thanks for this. I couldn't have done it myself.

So much good stuff here, but this:


Totally agree with all of the above, and nothing to add.

People with kids don't actually talk *to* each other. They just listen for key words and wait for the other to stop talking. Then they start with their own cultural variation on "That's right," and attempt to one-up with their own, mostly relevant and imminently cuter anecdote about their own child.

DeJohn, DeQuan, DeZhay, Tasha, Bimm-Bimm, Potato Mustard, & Jaden

"But for all of its talk about becoming more inclusive and diverse and progressive and mindful about racial/cultural blind spots, Facebook still hasn’t figured out a way to distinguish between language addressing racism and actual racism. Or perhaps they know how to, but just don’t care."

Wow. So well said. I'm not sure we're going to get that answer, though. They're so angry that when they read this, they'll just see it as another assault.

"Hotepalooza" just pretty much ended my night. I mean, what else can possibly follow that? I'm going to bed.

Non-believer, but I can get behind this.

"my natural first reaction is to assume that this happens because those White people value dog lives more than Black ones."

We haven't had a "Queen of anything" since Aretha…

She was good, but "Queen of R&B?" Nah. We haven't had one of those since Aretha.

Oh it's definitely fun. There's a lot to church services in general (and "our" church services in particular) that don't require belief to enjoy. (see: Music, Hats, etc.)

I'm not sure if Easter is the day that makes me miss church the most, or makes me most happy I'm an atheist.

Don't be fooled. There is most certainly a chorus of the "If only he'd complied" song being played all over social media. And let's not forget the bringing up of past decade-old trangressions. He's been getting the full n*gga treatment from the start.

Philadelphia? Says he's Jamaican born? Forgot the sandwiches? Full Hotep? Girl, you done dated my cousin! I'm so sorry.

Yes, and thank you.

Given the weight and seeming resonance of the movie, I would have liked to have seen more about it here on VSB. Not just from one of the men, but from one of the women writers, too. But this is an excellent analysis that doesn't spoil anything. Kudos.