
Damon, just a point of order: If there's egg on their faces, they'll probably have "yolk" in their eyes (not yoke).

But seriously. Do explain how kneeling during the national anthem is somehow not "doing his job."

And without once straying from the primary thesis, he still manages to get in some peripheral pointers at enablers.

Dear Mr. Young,

Isn't that the same face he made with the taco bowl? Who is he saying he loves now?

Not for me. I just don't shave. I run my hair clippers over my face every now and then, and that's it.

He was convicted — HE WAS CONVICTED — unanimously by a jury. On all counts. And the judge just said, "You know what? F*** that jury. F*** that woman. F*** all those people who got tougher sentences for far lesser crimes. He's getting six months. In jail, not prison. Just because."

So what you're saying is, people who don't have kids just wouldn't understand and shouldn't comment.

I was trying to avoid writing that one myself.

I'm gonna do one of these lists on my Medium. I'll linkback and give you credit, though.

Ocean already did the "I kinda sorta allegedly could possibly have come out as bisexual-ish… maybe" thing with his first album. It certainly boosted sales — I mean Channel Orange dropped the same week as new albums by Usher AND R P N U Kelly, so he needed something — but it didn't have the same effect as David Bowie's

Exactly. According to NC's law, this guy should be in the ladies room:


No, not at all. Smaller "market" also means less competition, so it all evens out. When one is looking for a mate — or even just a fling for the night — one still has standards. Sometimes the internet and a box of tissues really is the best option.

Gay men are, after all, just men. The "game" game is no better just because the target is another guy.

To be fair, such a reaction would have been really poor business.

Wait were those two dudes dancing with each other?

I'm always wary of reading yet another "My daddy wasn't there for me and this is why I hate him/moved on from him/forgave him" story. They can be really frustrating and predictable, and they don't have meaning for the majority of people — not even the majority of Black people — in this part of the world (full disc:

Or Chase. Let's not forget Chase.

"The starches matter too, just because you need balance and something to place all the blame on if shit goes wrong. And yes, Michelle Williams was Destiny Child’s starch. But if a pancake a waffle or a piece of french toast happens to make it on someone’s plate, it immediately becomes the star attraction. "