BaneKitty Rises

Are any of them actively gloating to the point of meanness or shunning you for voting for Clinton? If not, go home and enjoy Thanksgiving with your family. Part of being tolerant means being open to the idea that people sometimes have different opinions on things.

That is some weird role play.

If you really believe in all that crap, then you’re nothing but a moron. The USA is a country of laws, and if a person has entered the country legally as an immigrant, and eventually received hers or his citizenship legally, then what’s there to fear. In fact, as perfect illustration of how idiotic your post his,

I hope you’re correcting their misunderstanding by telling them it’s only illegal aliens that should be worried. Let them know law abiding legal immigrants are fine.

Why must people assume things?!

I’m laughing, but at the same time, yikes.

My brother and I get mistaken for boyfriend/girlfriend. Even get on KissCam at baseball games. I should start wearing a “He’s my brother” shirt when we’re in public together.

Don’t worry, Amy Schumer and Whoopi Goldberg aren’t leaving the country.

Every time I have encountered some ultra racist, white power type of person they are bar none the dumbest people imaginable. Skipping over their beliefs for a second, I mean they don’t have a basic grasp of spelling, language, geography, math, critical thinking or anything that would render them “superior”. Given

Seems like those who replied to this forgot that kids are sponges, and they’re paying more attention to whats going on around them that we think they do.

No, but they seem to think that the popular vote would have produced the exact same result had the determining factor in presidential elections been the popular vote. It’s such a futile argument

My kids knew about the election, but there was no outburst like that. Don’t live vicariously through your kid.

Nah. I like you, TNR, but you’re missing some points.

Well, that’s why we have the whole republic thing so that there isn’t the opportunity to have tryanny from the majority. Even if I don’t agree with the outcome.

We talked about the election for about 10 minuted while cooking/eating dinner. Then we turned off the TV/social media machines and read our 1.5 yo son every book he owns. Then I took a copy of Dunk and Egg, two beers and a deck of smokes to my porch. Read for an hour then went to bed. I didn’t read/hear/comment/like

I have a copy of US Weekly from 2031. Apparently, she’s pregnant with twins and Brad is the father.

I’ve never liked Jennifer Aniston. There. I said it. She was the worst Friend (yes, worse than Ross) and her presence in Office Space took something away from what was otherwise a perfect movie. I don’t think she can act. There. Said that, too.

That would be impressive, if she were a civilian. Isn’t 87k in Hollywood just like $236 in regular people dollars?

“But she blames it on growing up rich. ‘It’s no mystery why I have money problems,” she wrote. “I grew up rich beyond anyone’s dreams. I never knew anything else. Even when I try to embrace a simpler lifestyle I can’t seem to let go of my expensive tastes. And then there’s my shopping problem. I’ve bought ridiculous