You asked “what happens” as though there was some mystery. I’m just pointing out that it’s abundantly clear what happens, because it has already happened for most of human history.
You asked “what happens” as though there was some mystery. I’m just pointing out that it’s abundantly clear what happens, because it has already happened for most of human history.
Probably the same thing that happened in those situations 20 years ago, when most people didn’t carry cell phones.
Take it back to Jez wench.
No amount of exercise will make you less of a piece of shit.
Keeney pled guilty, so it’s not a surprise she didn’t receive as long a sentence as the people convicted at trial (although she got 30 to life and is still in prison). The statement is also not really accurate since Joe Letts, Keeney’s boyfriend at the time, got the same sentence as Patterson, although he was released…
I’m just going to say it; Breakfast at Tiffany’s is not that good and Holly Golightly is a horrible character. In my opinion, of course.
Jesus, the crapload of expectations people put on successful/celebrity women to be perfect models of womankind is exhausting. She’s a singer and a songwriter, a seemingly decent person who does nice things for her fans and gives a shit ton of money to charity. She is also a woman who was forced to confront her groper…
Because Jez has decided to hate Taylor so she’s not allowed to enjoy anything in life, not even a healthy relationship, professional success, and her damn birthday.
I had a good year too. My first real vacation that wasn’t just going to my mom’s house, my job is good, and I got divorced from The Asshole.
I’m so fucking bored for this hate-on for Taylor Swift. She’s neither feminist role model or emblem of evil. She had a good year this year. People are allowed to have those! Call me when she hits someone with her car.
I don’t care for Taylor Swift’s music but if you’re going to claim she used feminism to make herself famous and rich you should probably throw in that she also used her song writing skills to create music that appeals to millions, marketing skills that keep her in the headlines, and from what I read, artistic and…
“He is also on tape bragging about sexual assault, and he was never held accountable for that either.”
It is voluntary because the choice could be made to not address the issue at all. I have made that exact choice myself, back when I had no money (concerning both dental care and skin stuff in my case).
Team Lee here too. I’ve had bad skin (acne, occasional nasty cysts around my ears, eczema, discoid lupus) for most of my life and have really struggled with the psychological effects of those things. I like watching those videos. They reduce my urge to pick, and more importantly, make me feel like skin problems are…
Do you feel the same about medical research studies in which subjects with specific conditions are paid for their participation - when the treatment may not even do anything for them (or they may even be receiving a placebo)? Should doctors be required to forego payment for such (elective) procedures for patients that…
Team Lee.
She’s right; she is normalizing something a lot of people are embarrassed about and therefore less likely to seek medical attention for. There’s nothing exploitative about this since (at least in the ones I’ve seen) the videos don’t ID the patient.
I’m sure those photos were meant to be sexy but I can’t stop laughing at them.
what the f kind of advice did you give to question 1
This. I’m socially awkward and I don’t have anyone in my life I could call a friend other than my husband. I have a very hard time making friends (always have) and, thanks to losing all my friends in both high school and then again in college in ridiculously dramatic and painful ways, I’m afraid to even attempt to try…