LOL. I like to change things up sometimes ;).
LOL. I like to change things up sometimes ;).
I starred simply because I want to ungrey and let ideas like this be read. I think we should be talking and I don’t want any person to ever do anything like this again.
I think fucking up a living being for life is pretty messed up. While I wouldn’t ask her about it over coffee, I live in society where there are laws and things to avoid this type of behavior.
I couldn’t agree more that she should have had safe, legal access to an earlier abortion.
Yes, I think that maiming a baby for life is a pretty shitty thing to do.
You’re flirting with dangerous territory. Because unless you are aiming them for charging the boyfriend with allowing for her self-harm, you are allowing for precedence of even more men telling women what to do with their bodies. You want him to be charged because ‘sex’ (btw, 35 years old... know where babies come…
I just wanted to say thanks for this. I could understand the name calling and shit talking if I had come out of the gate swinging and calling this woman and posters who disagreed with me stupid. I have no problem holding an opinion that might not be popular. It actually makes me think, re-assess and wonder what I…
Jesus Christ.
Thank you for this. People seem to think I’m a monster because I don’t automatically excuse or understand her actions.
“you have no idea”, kinda sums up my response to you.
Yes, ok. I’m the one not living in reality.
I normally really respect and admire your opinions and it actually saddens me a bit to see this type of reply from you.
Do you know that she tried? There is no mention of any nefarious activity at all in this article or in the links. That tells me for whatever reason it is not public knowledge-which is fine, we don’t need her health history. But this is going to rustle up some feathers from people like myself that support abortion and…
For being upset at a late term abortion. That is gross? For a little boy that will live with defects for the rest of his life? That is gross?
Please show me how/where the facts of the case that she had been denied an abortion and had to result to this desperate measure. Please, I’ll wait.
Assuming she *did* try earlier is not much more responsible.
You assuming she had no education or access is just as bad as me assuming she did. But it makes you feel better so, go ahead I guess.
Give me a break. I’m a woman, working in a male-dominated career and have been for the entirety of my adult life. I do not need to be told how people judge others and how women are mistreated.
In most US states it is absolutely illegal for a medical professional to perform an abortion after 24 weeks. I’m not sure what your catch 22 post is supposed to do except minimize what happened.
Minimizing the fact that the child survived and framing this as what is wrong with abortion in America is not a good idea. Not to moderates and people not completely on your side.