BaneKitty Rises

But why? At such late term? Despite his health issues he was adopted and removed from her responsibility. Did she really need to fuck him up with a coat hanger prior?

24 weeks. 24 weeks! The baby survived her attempts and will be fucked up for life. Let’s not act like she was 6 weeks along and got railroaded.

She should have had access to abortion prior to making this choice.

This is kinda verging on dangerous territory. You could easily just as say “How could I date black or Chinese people?” since you will most likely lack a universal experience (i.e. Thundercats).

I mean, it would be outside respectable behavior if that person saw your kids growing up and then decided to date them. Too creepy and ‘groom-y’ for my tastes. I am involved with a 21 year old guy as a 35 year old woman. I don’t imagine his parents would be super thrilled but I don’t see the harm so long as we respect

I make a steak type of sandwich and in order to toast the pieces of French bread you need a generous coating of mayonnaise and then turn them face down in the pan. Get things nice and golden delicious, add the strips steak, add some feta and squeeze lime juice and they are perrrrfect! Mayo is not that bad :D.

You always retweet some pretty heavy and eye opening things regarding Syria. Sorry you got called a troll on this one.

I just watched the movie ‘The Bodyguard’ again while on a flight and yep... 35 year old me realizes that 15 year old me had decent celebrity crushes.

Ravishing? At least for describing attractiveness :D.

What a jerk :/!!

As a 35 year old currently involved with a hot 21 year old, it’s not as bad as you might think ;). I *never* saw myself being able to get involved with someone much younger and I think we both know there’s an expiration date. But we laugh and have fun and treat each other with respect so... it works :D.

I’m sorry I’m probably too late to respond to this but that was a completely uncool and shitty thing to say to you. Sounds like she said it to just hurt you which doesn’t make it better.

My ex-fiance was much like this. He would use things that happened in his life to purposefully make me feel shallow and whiny. Come to find out he’d been using me for money AND cheating. Hooray! Not saying your dude is doing that, but when someone refuses to respect how you feel pay attention.

I don’t blame you. I apologize for making the mistake to begin with. I hope you (and your sister) have had a better weekend.

No need to call me a cretin. When I first read it, it wasn’t apparent that she had a valid green card. I now see the last comment at the end so my apologies.

So she’s willfully been avoiding the law? Sounds legit. Like a million other people with the same story.

My dad is dual citizenship, I don’t fear for him. I’m of course American born so my citizenship is not in question. Why do you fear legal status when there’s no question of any kind of invalidity?

You’re foolish and should read your rights now as a US citizen.

Common sense would be that if you must resort to the color of your skin for claiming sole superiority over pretty much everyone else, you don’t really have anything else going on to begin with. Successful, well-rounded people aren’t filled with hate.

Oh gosh, my sister and I were at a ski resort in Idaho one time and were convinced this man and young girl were husband/wife despite the age difference. They were just so... cuddly. So being a bit drunk and nosy we speculated about the true nature of their relationship (only with each other). Ended up talking to both