
prepare for how weird you're going to feel when you get the notification "John Boehner started following you."

Quality Tumblr post:

Don't forget the hybrid beer douche. That's the guy who comes in stroking his carefully groomed chin pubes, looking to get blasted on some 849% ABV microbrew only six people on a commune have heard of. He gives me an incredulous eyeroll when I tell him to choose from the 145 beers I do actually carry. Sorry, buddy,

Not all broads like to be called females.

I never felt any way about the word "female" until I was on another blog and a guy chimed in an said that, in his experience, most of the men he knew that used it did so as a sort of substitute for the word bitch. He used a few sentences to illustrate:

I think it's pretty apt. Also, now I need something with paneer in it for dinner.

Listen, I'm not here to ruin anyone's good time...

if they ever hooked up, that's gross because they literally look alike each other!

I laughed. It was utterly ridiculous and absurd to me. Especially the zooming in part.

Fuck anyone who takes a picture of a picture on a camera

It's official. Definitely rooting for Seattle. I spent 20 seconds after Lynch scored yelling, "Grab your dick."

Yeah, edits happened. But to answer your question: Yes—and every time an MRA cries, another one gets her wings.

The video has over six million views (i.e., it's popular); it deals with the Superbowl (i.e., it's topical for today); the piece needed some kind of a critical feminist theory angle, and no one in the video does or says anything explicitly misogynist or unenlightened... and so with a little mental gymnastics and

Oy, ya. As much as I'd like to believe this is pearl clutching and prudery, when you look at the full list, the "donation" language just looks like they're trying to slide under the legal definition of "business" on a technicality.

So when it affects old white dudes it's about privelege, but when it affects swingers it's about "decency".

OK those are good reasons and I did not know about the cheating thing. I was getting irritated by the seahawk player who wouldn't properly interact with the media (yeah I get it you hate doing it, but it's part of your job so do what the rest of us do when confronted with responsibilities we hate, suck it up and then


I usually am usually with you, Jezebel. But not this time.

I'm confused — are you unaware what a spurious correlation looks like; or do you think that spurious correlations that advance your preferred agenda are just fine?

Yeah, that's what I thought too. It's a shitty game and the violence is a big part of it - don't blame Conan or the clip, blame the game creators (and gaming culture to a greater extent).