You too, Kitty Bane. I hope you will one day rule Gotham.
You too, Kitty Bane. I hope you will one day rule Gotham.
I was a big fan of the achievement for literally setting trees on fire, tho. Not even kidding, fuck nature.
oh I figured you were, sorry. I snarked at it in my head. But in the same way using false statistics leads people to discrediting issues, pieces like this that artificially conflate things with DV does more damage than good because it seems like all feminists are hyper reactive and lack context. So I was…
Yes! SNES Zelda is wonderful! But you should totally play Ocarina and Majora's Mask. The latter is incredibly dark, but almost something of an art piece.
Here, I'll finish your sentence for you:
Well, I do think discussing domestic violence against women in the context of the NFL and large organizations in general is important. Although the rates of reported DV with NFL players are lower than the general population, I believe they do have a responsibility to use their platform as the height of masculinity to…
But the spike isn't due to video games or even football. They explained that the spike is due to it being a weekend when people are around each other more and a day where people drink more, leading to a spike that's the same as any other holiday. You could've written an article taking a stand against New Year's Day or…
I think we should all agree that Killer Instinct is a far superior fighter-game.
And games are so wonderful now! I'm really happy with a lot of what has come out, especially indie games. Fuck Zelda, though. My NES kept deleting my save data. I'm still bitter.
Domestic violence experts have been exasperated by this claim for over two decades. "When people make crazy statements like this, the credibility of the whole cause can go right out the window," a psychologist who treats battered women told Ringle. "The reality is that domestic violence occurs every day in the…
You really should read the links you post in your articles, because the piece cited in the last sentence actually debunks the idea that domestic violence spikes on SB Sunday.
The article you link to in your last sentence says that violence does not spike significantly on Super Bowl Sunday.
And secondly, remember everyone, it is possible to enjoy violent media like this and still be critical of it.
Yep. Mortal Kombat is known for the over-the-top violent finishing moves. Not sure why it is so much worse when it's two women fighting instead of two men.
Did you happen to notice the linked article you provide to support your claim that domestic violence spikes on Super Bowl Sunday is about debunking this myth?
My thoughts exactly. It was all violent and extreme, should we have to rank which was the worst?
Not sure why thats any worse than a guy being sliced in half from his groin to his face, another guys intestines falling out of his body ( or the sexual thrill joke that comes with it) or even the "Conan's your bitch" joke. It's all shocking grotesque violence.
Eh, if neither of the huge professional athletes stabbing each other had any idea how to play the game to do said move (Lynch's strategy was to hit as many buttons as possible), blame the game manufacturer and not Conan or the athletes.
In Conan's defense, this game hasn't even been released yet, has it? I genuinely don't think any of them knew that that was coming. I mean, I grew up playing Mortal Kombat, and I wouldn't have expected them to go that far. Of course, they could have made the choice not to air that part of the segment, so....
I can't get worked up about this because it's not a on-woman-exclusive attack in the game; it's not like Ed Boon and co. said "hey, let's make an attack where you punch a vagina really fucking hard and looks rapey", but "let's make an opponent punch their opponent really hard in the groin because groin shots are…
"I'm not generally a kill joy but..."