
At least they're issued sexy shoes.

This is great news! North Korea's Threat Level will decrease significantly as they'll be busy dealing with Lady Problems In The Military.

I once heard a defense attorney explain that he defended shitty people, and he did a damn good job of it, because he never wanted people he thought were truly guilty to be able to get out on appeal later claiming they didn't have a fair trial. I have no love for defense attorneys who pull awful stunts and blame the

While that's true, she is often painted as some savior for people who have had their human rights violated— and that's typically the opposite of the role she plays in these cases, where she defends monsters and war criminals.

So that's how you look classy whilst avoiding some douche snapping your photo without permission!

"You can bet that 90 percent of the "I love porn!" crew posting here are trapped in dead-end relationships with loser men, trying to justify some dude spending eight hours a day jacking off to the Internet by telling themselves, "well, those women 'actors' are so 'empowered.'"

See, I'm glad to see responses of shock. Because that tells me that the social contract is working; there are now places where this kind of behavior - in public, at least - not only is unacceptable, but has been unacceptable for so long that it's genuinely surprising to the denizens of those regions.

That's what blows my mind about this. He could have just ordered the white bread and left off all his reasons why, or "because I like it" and nobody would have known any differently. But that he felt the absolute need to inform his server about his (really idiotic) reasoning...and then tripled down on it...

well, they do put stuff like aluminum in them, specifically because it can be toxic. the point of the metal in the vaccine is to irritate you and cause inflammation in the area where the shot went (that's what's causing that dead pain in your arm the day after the shot), attracting an immune response to that area.

Let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe he's just a PUA who took negging way too far!

I'm willing to bet anything that 13 year olds who have sex have a whole bunch of other family and economic problems as well. This is not normal.

Oh gods I hope you were being ironic or sarcastic and just forgot to state as much.

Two of the most popular football players. You know, popular guys who will play a game that 105 million people will watch on Sunday.

It's cool seeing a big burly football player state with no shame whatsoever that he enjoys driving Mario Kart karts, with Toad as his character.

But the percentage of players who go on to make millions in the NFL is probably LESS than the percentage of other students who go on to make millions on their own with their degrees.

My god, it's like someone asked him a question about it directly and he would be fined if he didn't show up to be asked to provide comments!

Why the hell hasn't this been posted yet? You guys are slacking.

Gronk and Beastmode

This needs to be a sitcom, or a reality show. Just have these two live together and be themselves. That was unexpectedly, extremely, funny.