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    Nice. I wish I felt like spending that much time on making my Linux partition look that good. I'm just happy I got GeekTool working...

    About 100 of those were me.

    Er, Cingular? Does this apply to AT&T still?

    I just scribble all over the place.

    If that was my place I'd totally use the ramp to fly out the window.

    @sabreace33: I knew that seat looked familiar. I always wanted to turn my old Buick's seats into a bed or a couch.

    @Gothamite88: I hope you're talking about your face.

    AhhhHHHOLD!! OLD!!! OLD!!!

    @Chirish: So I take it you're a girly man?

    That chocolate soda thing was awesome! How come MacGyver didn't know about that?

    Ha ha lumpsucker!!

    @callrecall911: I can't get anything done with stuff all over my desk. I either have to clean it up or move my butt.

    @Robert House: Hmm... Now that I looked closer at the picture, I think it is a girl. You can kinda see the bra straps.

    @Xander: Yeah, it's pretty gay.

    I'd rather not resort to dirty words, thank you very much.

    @geek1500: Nope. I got all excited about it too. I have no life.

    @Cupajo: Actually, that's dog in all of the pictures. The one you're talking about is raw.

    Uh, why?

    Better be careful of any sudden stops. That thing's a ramp!