
Drank Chanel No 5 because I liked to pretend it was whiskey and I was an adult.

Azealia Banks insulting Miss Badu? Bitch, learn your place which soon is going to be a cardboard box under a bridge.

As one member of the service industry to another: I AM SO SORRY. THESE PEOPLE ARE FUCKING HORRIBLE.

Why would anyone join a sorority? I mean I know you're still figuring yourself out at that age, but Jesus Christ are you that mystified by your identity as a female that you have to do this to yourself? Do you really need friends that badly?

+1 for Achewood avatar

Bottom line: It reads really fucking bad and what the fuck was her agent thinking letting this get published. Also, she is such a fucking narcissistic, privileged piece of work I can't stand it.

A Gawker piece on someone's bad writing?

Not a feminist for a woman like me. A white, middle-class American woman. Total feminist for women in Asia having acid thrown on them because they didn't want to fuck their cousin. Or women who have their clits chopped off with a rusty knife or their vaginas sewed up with twine.

I feel bad for people who believe this.

This is kind of ridiculous what I'm doing but it's been on the tip of my tongue for a while and I've been more ready to talk about it than ever before. But basically, I believe I suffer from gender dysphoria and always have. I've never told anyone, not even my mother whom I'm incredibly close to and would be totally…

Lo-Loestrin 24 for me.

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Awwww I love this :) I love watching all the other Happy videos from other countries.

These girls ain't loyal.

Yeah I would've just let the kids go. I wouldn't want to be the asshole that forced two kids to be separated from their parent. Clearly the dad had prior experience with them being okay with it so he got conflicting messages and was upset. I would be too.

grav3yardgirl gets it the worst. I thinks she's a fucking riot. Making fun of the way someone looks is so cheap.

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Video is gone. But here's my little prince forever and always. 0:16!!!

How can you be so morally bankrupt as to think there's a good reason to do this to a person?

Keep trying, Jezebel.

Moving from NJ to Florida to be with my partner. Never moved before. Scared shitless. Help?