What would her being high have to do with anything?
What would her being high have to do with anything?
DC is literally the most perfect beverage on earth.
Yeah but it’s still not Diet Coke.
No. That shit tastes like drinking sunscreen!
Not surprised. Real almond milk is super thick and not “milky”. But this stuff on the shelves still tastes good.
They were probably mortified by the sensation they felt in their panties.
Sheesh. Somebody does not like Lorde.
3 years ago my friend and I would always remark on how we knew America had another civil war in it’s future. People would just laugh at us and now we’re the ones laughing.
I feel like I’m going to hell for saying this but...
One of my closest friends has relapsed. I can't even get over my crippling disappointment to talk to her anymore. Am I an asshole? She was a horrible person while she was drinking. And I'm totally opposed to the 12 step method and think one can totally drink responsibly but she's drinking and driving again. She's such…
Oh boyyyyy.
Oh geez.
They do sell just straight up coffee. No one is forcing you to buy a white chocolate mocha. Just sayin.
Don't want to tip? Don't eat out.
It's not berating. It's calling it like I see it and I think most trans women would understand my point. The media and the ignorant masses love passable trans people because it's like a zebra with no stripes or dog on a skateboard. It's gimmicky bullshit that doesn't let non-passing trans people feel comfortable in…
Jazz has been in the spotlight forever. Because she's very very "passing". I get it. I know it's a gimmicky draw for those who don't understand being trans. They eat this shit up.
I think most people would agree "they" is a casual, colloquial pronoun for one person. I think your misplacing your aggression honestly.
Yeah I'm a little baffled by all the uproar. I think "they" has always been an accepted colloquial pronoun for one person.
Farting. All the time.