
Counterpoint or just a tangent, HOV lanes cause traffic to back up in other lanes, meaning more idling, so cars spend more time spewing emissions, wasting gas and promoting road rage, all while there has been little to no effect on people actually car pooling. It’s not even a good source of revenue, as it’s not well

Mafia probably has more consumer friendly lending available. 

Counterpoint: Never visit Buy-Here-Pay-Here lots.

Take you centimeters and get the fuck out of here 🇺🇸🦅

“Only” $18-20K for a used car. Read what you wrote. That is more than I paid for my brand new Honda Fit 11 years ago.

One thing the article does not make clear is who is paying for the “free” electricity.

While the idea of providing free gas/diesel is ridiculous, the idea that we should use public funds to provide free BEV charging is pretty unfair. Let’s be real, the only people buying BEVs right now are relatively rich people who have a couple other ICE vehicles back home.

The front fell off?

Some people just aren’t happy unless they’re angry about something.


He should at least have been smart enough not to get into a deal with a Chinese company on Chinese soil. You have no power there, and they will take everything they can from you.

What rock have you been living under?

And I want to know what you want to see from Jalopnik.”

The place that welcomes car enthusiasm in every form.

You turned down an opportunity to buy more tools?

Bold move recommending the 4Runner when he said he didn’t want a 4Runner and when it gets almost the same mileage as his XJ.

Imagine being this triggered.

Totally agree.  I saw a lady I shit you not wearing a full face actual GAS MASK while driving. I was like WTF is wrong with this person.  It’s kind of the same with the hard core anti mask crowd that go batshit when asked to put one on.  Like I get it I really do, masks are annoying, but it’s really a MINOR annoyance

No, it’s not true that station owners are fined by corporate because of the stickers. Their stations are inspected by corporate from time to time and things like uncleaned vandalism is calculated in their overall ratings, which may come back to work against the owner in some of the incentive and remuneration programs

Pretty funny all around. While I know the president typically has little to no effect on gas prices, I do chuckle whenever I see one of these on a gas pump.