I disagree with number 1. The 2002-06 Nissan Altima was a strong competitor to the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord. I think this car was Nissan’s biggest seller during that time probably up until the Rogue came out.
I disagree with number 1. The 2002-06 Nissan Altima was a strong competitor to the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord. I think this car was Nissan’s biggest seller during that time probably up until the Rogue came out.
I liked my ‘02 Altima. The dash materials were cheap, and the transmission went out at about 50K miles necessitating three months in the shop waiting for parts, but other than that, I enjoyed it.
Shhhh...don’t call attention to it. They’ll pull the whole thing down and reformat it.
Counterpoint: The PT Cruiser needed, and deserved, to die. They just replaced it w/something so bad, arguably worse in every measurable category, that people actually looked back on the PT Cruiser with fondness when presented w/the alternative.
Makes me nostalgic for heading to Circuit City to get that sweet new Pioneer system for my Tercel. Easy upgrade.
If it’s already registered with the Coast Guard, I’m assuming that it meets all CG requirements for a vessel of it’s type.
As much as I often complain about the tactics of the rich in avoiding and at times outright evading taxes with impunity I am completely with the boat owner here.
Honestly, I was ready for this to be wayyy less boat-like than it is.
Hey man, we had STRIPES on our socks!
Glad to see there is still no editing or proofreading being done before publishing articles at Jalopnik.
familiar with the intricacies of Appalachian politics
Do a little more research and stop looking for a story where there’s not one. You didn’t even spell the name right for the first half of the article.
I read this article without seeing who wrote it, and knew half way in who created this shit show of an article.
The lines are long, but they move pretty quickly.
“...while Russia has a formidable wheeled military force...”
“It’s a little hard to feel for people that have money in certain situations”
methinks you need to re-read what i wrote.
Fuck drink drivers. And genuinely, thank fuck for this cop and what she did. You take the car head on, its probably gonna suck for you, but it ensures that the least amount of people possible get hurt. Or in this case, killed outright. 70mph car vs squishy meat-bags never ends well for the meat.