
Man, this Mythbusters reboot just ain’t cutting it.

Would SpaceX/Starlink be jammed in Iran? Do they have a way to block the groundstation/satellite connection throughout the country’s airspace?

I don’t have an iPhone, so this article really doesn’t apply to me, but I wanted to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for posting a “X# of Things” article without making it a stupid slideshow. SO much nicer to just be able to scroll down and read everything as I go. Again, thank you!

Ya, the guy has more “satellites” than all other nations combined, the Starlink network is so successful that it has become a ‘strategic asset’...and u keep on saying he is a overpromising jerk.
Bro, what have u done in life?

Well that’s a no brainer. No US president is going to be allowed to ride in an unarmored bus crammed with group of other world leaders. Don’t have to be Secret Service to figure that one out.

You shut off you breaker box to the outside power you don’t back feed power onto the grid.  I have used this method in a just have to use your brain.

You can’t just cut the load bearing ribbon! 

looks like you’re strapping your face to the human-centipede butthole of the metaverse.

Man I miss the old days.  

I’ll go nest time if they invite you back. Wouldn’t want you to have to drive it again. 

But no you just don’t get it. His Giulia has done almost 2,000 miles and has never left him stranded even once!

lol are you seriously comparing racism to people thinking Alfas are unreliable

Between what is clearly an asphalt road referred to as concrete and use of the term “cross section”, I’m starting to think that these posts are compiled by a bad AI.

This looks like another idea that complicates the meaning of a smart home.

Turning on a light with a remote control is not that much different than turning it on with a light switch. Using a switch to turn a light on/off does not feel very smart. 

Tired of waiting around for Matter, then just go download

Multipronged approach

“Spicer says he doesn’t believe the people that participate in this kind of thing are bad people.”

I’ve more more or less stopped coming to this site after almost two decades. I stopped commenting regularly years ago because for some reason Kinja and Chrome for IOS don’t get along. The articles and writing at just bitchy and awful now. Not surprised the comment areas are baren.

Clickbait headline claims vehicle to be ugly, doesn't show any actual pictures.... Seriously what is going on with Jalopnik?

No one likes it.

I hate it and will not be watching.