
The front fell off?

Some people just aren’t happy unless they’re angry about something.


He should at least have been smart enough not to get into a deal with a Chinese company on Chinese soil. You have no power there, and they will take everything they can from you.

What rock have you been living under?

And I want to know what you want to see from Jalopnik.”

The place that welcomes car enthusiasm in every form.

You turned down an opportunity to buy more tools?

Bold move recommending the 4Runner when he said he didn’t want a 4Runner and when it gets almost the same mileage as his XJ.

Imagine being this triggered.

Totally agree.  I saw a lady I shit you not wearing a full face actual GAS MASK while driving. I was like WTF is wrong with this person.  It’s kind of the same with the hard core anti mask crowd that go batshit when asked to put one on.  Like I get it I really do, masks are annoying, but it’s really a MINOR annoyance

No, it’s not true that station owners are fined by corporate because of the stickers. Their stations are inspected by corporate from time to time and things like uncleaned vandalism is calculated in their overall ratings, which may come back to work against the owner in some of the incentive and remuneration programs

yeah. it’s just Ukraine. everything was good before that.

I feel the same when i see a person driving alone in their car with a mask on, or at the park all alone with a mask on, or when they put their mask on for a MSM news recording. 

Pretty funny all around. While I know the president typically has little to no effect on gas prices, I do chuckle whenever I see one of these on a gas pump.

I disagree with number 1. The 2002-06 Nissan Altima was a strong competitor to the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord. I think this car was Nissan’s biggest seller during that time probably up until the Rogue came out.

I liked my ‘02 Altima. The dash materials were cheap, and the transmission went out at about 50K miles necessitating three months in the shop waiting for parts, but other than that, I enjoyed it.

Shhhh...don’t call attention to it. They’ll pull the whole thing down and reformat it.

Counterpoint: The PT Cruiser needed, and deserved, to die. They just replaced it w/something so bad, arguably worse in every measurable category, that people actually looked back on the PT Cruiser with fondness when presented w/the alternative.

I commute in S. Texas so I’m going to say a turret-mounted 50cal though a 40mm grenade launcher would also be acceptable.