i’ve been miserable all day and this made me real life lol three times. thanks.
i’ve been miserable all day and this made me real life lol three times. thanks.
site is already down :snicker:
i actually did start crying, because she (SHE) started saying “when women hit thirty...”, “metabolism just slows down”, and my favorite “this just happens” and then she told me not to cry because it was a part of life. never have i felt more helpless and humiliated.
express. usually i hate them, but they are good this season!
he could pay bills, take care of the pets and do laundry out of desperation. clothes would be two piles: clean, and dirty. thats about it.
i think this article is just as fucked up as the comments on the gawker article from yesterday. you *know* you’re being malicious by posting that clip from botched. that footage is outright humiliating since he clearly could not sing for shit yet spoke about his mastery of the musical arts. granted, this may have been…
THIS. this is why if i decide want to have a birthday dinner, i pay for everyone i invite. whether this is steel reserve and a tray of macaroni and cheese or a 500 meal+drinks at a restaurant.
these poor grandmas that click on their grandchildrens’ fb feed
All of your reporting on celebrities needs to come with your interpreted illustrations. This made my morning. Ben looks thrilled with his box of donuts.
i didn’t sleep with the nanny! just blake lively and emily with the tits!
bloomington is next to edina, aka fancy pants town.
Me: “Hey, could you help me with the laundry?”