
That’s what I thought, I’m just not going to watch a video (with commercials) to find out.

Not a video!! Just tell me! How hard is that?

It’s the downfall of SO many industries and society as a whole. It’s crazy how much damage this specific thing has done (Thanks Jack Welch, you fuck).

Man it is almost like unfettered capitalism is detrimental to society or something.

a focus on quarterly profits rather than long term investment

So back in college, I worked for a summer job at the Corps of Engineers, which I called the Corpse of Engineers, because that group was actually all accountants and the like.

Gina Carano did a speedrun from “mildly popular bit actor” to “conservative troll”. Same arc as Kevin Sorbo but in a fraction of the time. Like, I respected her stuntwork in the otherwise boring-as-hell Haywire, and she was getting some pretty major gigs up through the Mandalorian, and she couldn’t wait for her career

Rather they forgive loans then throw money at the military industrial complex

Yes, all of that is true. Loan forgiveness is still a good use of public funds. 

You realize that some of these people have been paying towards these loans for 10+ years and still owe the bulk of the principle, in some cases MORE than the principle due to interest rates? Additionally many have made payments in excess of the principle but again, due to interest they still have thousands left.

Perhaps if people stood up to Adobe back in the day we wouldn’t have to worry about this now. Too little too late guys.

ffs “grognard blows new way to play game wildly out of proportion”
you say this may divide the hobby like this isnt already the most divisible group of nerds in existence. every change is treated like a god damn existential crisis while completely ignoring that none of the old ways to play are going away or changing.

8gb of storage is not enough on the chromecast, after installing just 6-7 apps it’s out of storage and runs terribly. I don’t know why they pick 8gb AND don’t give a microSD slot :|

No, thanks, I have a new best friend.

I have a feeling that this new business model / reboot will be a huge, huge success.

The one single reason that an AppleTV is worth the money is that even after 5+ years of having it and updates, it’s still butter smooth. We can talk about the remote sucking ergonomically, but they’ve fixed it in the newer releases. The box itself is rock solid, smooth, supports just about every standard. It’s

Follow up headline: “Your cat might be moderately pleased to see that the filler of the dish and the giver of belly scritches still exists.”

I too wonder why there isn’t a food bridge over the 10 lane highway. 10 lanes is crazy to try to cross as a pedestrian!

Does not look like that is an intersection, so the red light’s sole purpose is for pedestrian crossing.

I think this article is a really good assessment of the misinformation about anti-depressants and the research about their benefits. There is one important thing I’d like to add, from my own experience. That is that other conditions can have symptoms that are like depression and need to be ruled out as part of a