
Yeah, him stroking out on the witness stand would have been the perfect ending.

It’s funny because I hope he fucking dies.

Some other relevant points from the source material:

This is only divisive if you’re a misogynist piece of shit

Erin is very welcome here.

Click bait” is a sensationalized or exaggerated headline meant to increase the chances of someone reading an online article. Sadly, there was nothing sensational about this headline, which talks about interstate travel on a transportation blog site. All you did was expose what side of the issue you’re on. Now off you

I think driving is a pretty big part of being into cars.

Fuck you, leave.

fuck you, leave

All the kids go wild for [checks notes] Eric Bogosian!

It’s nice to see that finally included missing attachment detection but do they have anything else that’s useful?

What, precisely, is the point of having a “Social Team” if they are not also the people in charge of the (verified) twitter account?

Take his Jeep away too. Make him get around on a bike. That would be justice!

He should also have his license suspended/revoked.

The cops’ inaction reeks of “Good Ol’ boys” network here, maybe the scumbag had connections? hmm.. or maybe they too shared the same irrational hate of cyclists and thought he “deserved it”? I’m just asking questions here.

Fuck Texas. Fuck cops. Fuck that Jeep guy. Charges should be more serious than a misdemeanor. He could have killed the cyclist. No, you don’t fucking joke around like that.

Whatever transpired before, the swerving into oncoming traffic to hit/scare the guy in the bike crossed a very big line. Reckless driving should be one of a host of charges. Also, this guy is obviously a great candidate to have his guns taken away.

It’s been on my radar (and my wish list) since its release on Switch.
“big Toy Story vibes here” I guess I’m the only that remembers Small Soldiers, then. T_T

Now playing

SNES is my favorite console of all time. I appreciate all that work they did. I hope Nintendo doesn’t come after them.

Speaking of the SNES there’s a cool new Star Fox inspired game I saw on youtube. I hope we see more old school inspired games from the Genesis and SNES.

My brother in crust you mean.

My brother in crust you mean.