
Nailed it. This is an allegory to decry fascism, not a “maga takes on the government” or “progressivism bands together to fight a political opponent” movie. Based on the opening stinger, my guess is that it takes a strong anti-complacency stance. A “this is what will happen if we keep electing fascists, and the people

“We gotta blame someone, and it sure as shit ain’t gonna be me”

“meh, it was fine I guess.”

If only I trusted in Ridley Scott’s taste in movies at this point. Slamming Blade Runner 2049? C’mon.

These are gutter trash street goons, not organized criminals. Boss will be fine.

I envisioned a white dude with a chinstrap ‘beard’. Was not disappointed when mugshot matches what I envisioned him to look like.

Yup, fuck that guy all the way. And you know who else deserves a good “fuck you”? All the other pieces of shit in his crew that watched this happen and didn’t do a damn thing to get him to back off when he was so clearly in the wrong. Not a single decent human in that whole group. Fucking pack mentality brings out the

He wasn’t dressed as Santa, so he lives... for now.

Add Philly to the mix and he’s lucky his arms weren’t relocated to his pelvic splanchnic ganglion.

yes. That or Akira. They’re all going to end up road sausage eventually. 

If he was in Texas, he’d be the one driving the F350.

That biker is a candy ass bitch, headbutt with a helmet and then pull a gun on a lady after hitting their car, pathetic. He needs to go to Texas and hit an F350.

I’m so sick of these ATV urban takeovers.  Are they TRYING to make Mad Max happen?  

I just got back from Miami and the Keys - and my observation after 5 days in that part of Florida is that laws don’t appear to apply at all to middle-aged white people.

Sort of. The Ultimate line wasn’t really designed as a testing ground for new writers so much as a need to jettison the continuity baggage that the Marvel Universe had, in a desperate attempt to get new readers.

Mama says people is mean because they gots no teeth and all those toothbrushes

Looks like an old cop car, not an active one.

You can be anti Bill Willingham and anti “Big Mean Corporation™”.

And I love that for him. Anytime he has any money...tries to purchase anything like a house, car, etc...he wont be able to. He wont have the funds. 

While he might not pay the whole thing, he’ll definitely have to pay a penny.  Judgments owed based on intentional torts are not dischargeable in bankruptcy.  So if he does get a job, his wages will be garnished, if he opens a bank account, those funds will be turned over to D.L., if he ever is owed a tax refund, that