
I know I'm sticking my neck out here, but I feel this show is miles better than Vinyl with just one ep. The last 2 Scorsese associated HBO shows suffered from too much money and too little focus/hunger driving it.This show feels much more raw and credible.

Hard to let this one go…as I was watching I was reminded how this finale episode and much of the show put me in a space of euphoria like the one created in American Beauty character Rick Fitts'(acted by Wes Bentley) mind when the plastic bag whirled around and around. Something so simple mundane and effortless but yet

Janet and Ted are equally fractured as individuals as they are a couple. The poignancy of that scene and their repressed emotions was quite touching. For them the equivalence of a soliloquy. No wonder why Teddy was so messed up.

Not surprisingly a downer named "Divorce" :)

I think it has a lot of potential. Give it time to grow and breath and I think you'll be happy you did. Louis and Pamela to of modern comedy's best.

Note to self:Not a good idea to threaten Paige in front of Elizabeth. UFC grade!

Last time I saw him was in the barely watchable season 2 of True Detective-of course he always shines.

More W. Earl Brown=better…

Lucious’ falsetto face must now be added to the long list of traumas I carry with me each day:
Mwahaha! Actually I also enjoyed this ep and that family tune was a beauty. Probably the best song I've heard on this show with real hit potential.

I can see both of his parents in him but would have to say he looks more like himself then either one of his parents exactly.he's got some of the same charm of his dad ala The Right Stuff which launched Dennis' career. It's just good to get some other character's developing besides Richie and his inner circle. Always

My favorite show of the season and the one that jelled best. Happy to see Clark finally being used effectively. His finding his groove actually was as good as anything that's happened to Richie in the series. Great ending to a great ep.

This show is the Honeymooner's of the present age. I admire Louis getting to try out his ideas and flow with his creative impulses unencumbered by any network and even get paid for his work directly from the public.

I agree-Louis is out of the box or maybe making his own. He is willing to take chances and follow his muse.

I couldn't agree with you more. The most poignant nuanced performance I've ever seen by him. Kudos to Louis for taking chances and hiring quality peeps.

" I’m wondering if I’m alone in preferring the Temps’ psychedelic soul era to their earlier doo-wop hits." I totally agree-Papa Was a Rolling Stone my fav.

Yu're in synch with me! :D

s it Kim’s pop culture limitations that lead her to ask whether Jimmy plans to walk the earth “like Jules at the end of Pulp Fiction” rather than “like Caine from Kung Fu”? Spot on-my mind went right there too… Happy to have BCS back-I like it better than Breaking Bad. Brian Cranston just irritates me in some

I thought this was one of the best episodes this season. Very nuanced and fluid.

Keener's husband is played by Bruce Altman who is on Mr. Robot. The evil Rev in TD season 1 was played by Jay O. Sanders. Agreed on enough Springsteen.