
Isn't it a given that the reviewer's letter grades are pretty meaningless anymore? That being said-he wrote a reasonable review-I'll give it a B+. Great show, season and ep.

Teddy's just a guy who is continually wrestling with his vulnerability. We get to sit on the sidelines and watch this internal wrestling match.

Probably the best episode so far imho. The scene with Daniel and Carl and their autistic jazz patter was purely brilliant as was the kitchen scene and the final pool scene. Brilliant visual storytelling in a heartfelt and natural way. Hard to believe we are getting this through a commercial medium.

Don't know if it was the best but definitely better than B grade.

Not only is the story, writing and acting excellent in this series but the camera work is equally brilliant. The shot of Daniel sitting by the pool was awesome as was the aftermath of the primer spill.

I liked it better than the Americans right off which always seems to buckle under it's own weight and clunkiness. great music driving it as well.

Worth watching-especially to hear Wire's I am the Fly during show. Keep the good music bits coming.

FYI-"golden lotus" is a euphemism for the bound foot the Chinese emperors and royals were all nuts about.

No it was directed by John Dahl.

Ha-your fantasy scenario works for me. Viva bugs!

I certainly hope so-they were the most transcendent element of this interesting but uneven series.

Where the hell are the vampire vampire hit squad which is the most interesting element of this whole stupid series? I mean what gives?

Good to know on Turn's last ep-I skipped having grown bored with the show and will give it a view based on your recommendation.

Good synopsis and agree with you strongly. I was baffled from the get go on the choice of Buscemi as lead man.Just think of the same show if it revolved around Bobby Cannavale either as the Gyp Rosetti character he played or another character. That being said I don't think we can blame Buscemi for being miscast as the

Plus you get Soderbergh's creative use of camera's and perspective while he twists the kaleidoscope for us on this interesting freak show. Certainly not ER or Gray's Anatomy here…

It's nice that these characters and script don't bend to the cliches of fiction that everything all can be tidied up and filed all together in some little drawer. A lot like life in that regard. Not mysterious for it;s own sake just that people are quirky and that's what makes people interesting.

Bike line-was simply him connecting vicariously through bike to older brother he never knew and wants so desperately to know.

Rightfully so since he is a way better nuanced actor than she is.

No but William Macy acted in the original Fargo-Jerry Undergaard, and his character crashed his car in Magnolia due to the falling fish.

Agreed-Gemma is totally toxic and broken. So she rolls the way she does as a matter of course.