
The duel between the 18 Porsche and the 7 Audi was one of the best dices I have seen in a decade. The equivalence formula is magic. The handling of the Audi vs the power of the Porsche, and how they make power differently is amazing. Great driving too, keeping a clean race going for most of 6 hours. The virtual safety

There is plenty of temperamental old cars that still start up today if they are taken care of the right way. We live in the day and age of internet forums, mass produced parts, and well engineered cars. If there is a car that enough people care about, it will be around in 50 years. It is less about the cars

I think it is a tie between someone who insists on giving directions, and someone pointing out hazards as if you are not looking right in front of you. Best passenger award goes to a co worker that I was driving with a few months back. I went completely sideways on an icy corner. He held on for dear life, and after I

I thought this thing was an Impala with a photo shopped nose and a bad April fools when I saw the post this morning. The joke is still not very funny.

Of course Action Express is fully funded, they are a France family house team. If NASCAR cut off funding for their teams, it would be a 3-4 car race at the front, which is coincidentally what Alms had in its dying days. I am starting to lose faith in the grand experiment known as Tudor.

Update: I poured the lambic in a frosty mug, and topped with a bottle of Hoegaarden... I am now fishing with dynamite.

i am drinking the peach flavored one they make, and I feel like a European fancy boy. It tastes like fizzy peach Snapple.

Damn fuel sipping turbo race cars.

Bentley and McLaren beg to differ. Again, is it a matter of producing the best performing option or the one that works best for the specifications of BoP. In GT3 racing it is the latter.

Production cars don't have to deal with BoP. Gt3 manufacturers are not concerned with outright performance either, just if their car will be more equal than the others. Your tree hugger fueled outrage has no merit.

Marco Andretti is getting way too much attention. Exactly what he wants. Horrible.

2 liter sharp edged crossover... I guess they are trying to steal sales from the Lexus NX more than competing with the GLA.

This news is for everyone that complained that there needed to be more diversity and ability for the teams to tinker, because this will be the result. Aero engineers are not sitting in the wind tunnel, looking at the car, and then thinking what will people on the internet think of this. They are trying to achieve more

The good money is on food truck. Hipster with a moustache wearing blue shorts ironically, selling $8 government grilled cheese.

The crash happened at full speed. So yeah, responding to the correct post, apparently you are not.

Pack racing at Daytona is a joke. They had eliminated it, and then the yehaws revolted against it, and so they got their blood sport back. If the drivers had any backbone, they would have taken down the banking years ago.

Karl has his sparkly purple pants on... He's ready for a fight!

There are a ton of interesting GT4's by Aston Martin, Porsche, and even Mustangs. It would be fun to see this car in PWC, but don't conflate what this car is.

All these projections were made when NASCAR was peaking in popularity. The 2000's were huge in term of exposure and revenue. Tracks controlled by NASCAR were springing up everywhere, TV money ratings were through the roof. The financial collapse happened, the sport became overexposed, and the newcomers dried up.

They need to be more aggressive with their lease specials. That is where the entry lux volume is at. With residuals in the toilet, it is not an easy task, even with all that upfront cash.