
Completely neglecting history and continuity, pushing people that are unlikable, is this their PR department or their creative department? 

So hes a right wing toolbag that can't stop himself from crashing into teammates and being a petulant child? Not only will that get you far driving in IndyCar, but they will make you the color analyst... PT.

They get everybody on the show, yet get nobody over. The obvious solution would be to have a Saturday show. I think the long term fix would be to end the brand extension, focus on the talents you want to put on top, move performers on the way down or need more polish back to NXT, and then release about 25 people. 

The pacing of the show was like being in a cab with a driver who floors it and slams on the brakes at the next red light. There is a ton of hurry up, and then there is other stuff that goes way too long. They try to put so much over, and almost nothing does. The NXT show on Friday was far more entertaining. Each match

Just build out one of the anchor stores from Roosevelt Field Mall and call it a day.

He's the most coherent southern Republican on the issue of labor practices. Drink that in.

Vince is a disgusting misogynist, a bad booker, and a greedy corporate whore. All of those elements combine into how this is bad television. He wants to play out his fantasies (as a misogynist), but it has to be PG (corporate whore), and it doesnt get over with anybody (bad booker). It is contrived, and all contained

A dealership wanted to do a pull in deal on my lease recently. Their sales manager sent me a quote, and I said that it is insulting to offer me a lease at sticker price. He got really salty with me, saying he would never do such a thing. I took a screen shot of the cap cost on the quote being circled (which was the

Why didn't she just eat the pin? I guess it is in the moment, and she is trying to work the match, but it seems like young performers are being trained to be robots. Kayfabe is dead forever, but that tweet is idiotic and insincere, apologize in private, dont pat yourself on the back for endangering someone's

It all use to be more special because there was a scarcity of it. 5 hour wrestlemania and 5 hours of live TV every week is too much. If every TV show has big matches, and there are 18 ppv's a year, then it all becomes a house show. 

In other news, Infiniti is taking over the Renault F1 team... it is all the same corporate body.

She looks green, and she is going to be protected like all hell in the Mania match. None of this does anything for the women who are trying to earn their spot on the card. Baszler is doing the gimmick they want for Rousey, but is good at it, and learned how to work.

WWE having a huge roster, with a bunch of people who don’t get paid much, furthers my point that this is a down time for business. The 2000's weren’t a great time for the business, but at least there were ppv payouts for WWE talents, and TNA was a viable place for name talents to collect a check, if they were on the

Non WWE wrestling is all but dead in this country. It is good for the business that several thousand people will fly into a large city to support these events, but wrestling has become a niche attraction. In the 80s, there were dozens of territories drawing more than 5,000 on a weekly basis, and in the 90s, there was

Wrestling is a work, and if you believe every public statement from a wrestler, you are probably a mark. This isn’t a WWE thing, this is just a wrestling thing. If only the real storylines were as good as the works made up by people in the business...

Nxt fits the pattern of all talent development the company has ever done. The big stars are talents who at a minimum know how to work, and to some extent were stars elsewhere. The talent development system is a proxy for what the territories use to be, in a controlled environment. All the major boom times for the

Is this news? All the projects the mta has done for decades has been deep stations with two platforms, with 63rd street being basically two stations stacked on each other. It isn’t like the first half of the 20th century, where you could literally blow up rocks, and tear through streets for years at a time. It is

Red Bull is going to spend all the sugar water money on making the Honda decent, and then will control the supply chain. It’s a good strategy.

They took out a slow, single line part of the course, to make the approach to the oval faster. This is a better layout.

Note to self, buy a Red Sport before 2021.