
I think the guy definitely has the look, and he has worked on his in ring skills, but what is the point of any of it? These gimmicked snuff segments look like Snl sketches. I laugh during the segments, and I popped for him trying to kill Michael Cole, but this isn’t some comedy program at the bottom of the card, it’s

No, he let out a high pitch scream, and then his wife yelled at him for startling the children.

Way better than when they had the college football playoff on nye. In response, xfl deux electric boogaloo will air on Fox business channel.

I think it was a product of the times, like Michael Cole’s frosted tips, or the insufferable Limp Bizkit tie ins. Being politically incorrect and raunchy, permeated youth culture in the 90s. 20 years later, we are hungover from it, and the people who are politically incorrect now, are uncool and just assholes.

Number of overtakes does not reflect the overall quality of the product. The fact that Vettel had a competitive car for most of the season adds intrigue to the race that can’t be quantified. F1 is about who builds the better mouse trap, the good cars will get past the not so good cars, and will do so until the not so

Either way, your children will rebel against your choice. If you raise them in the city, they will yearn for the trappings of the suburbs and vice versa. This is why there is a constant cycle of people moving back and forth. Your decision is insignificant in the long run, enjoy what you enjoy, your kids will probably

Friend of mine owned a gen 2. They were comfortable, and I liked the driver oriented center stack. Gm marketed these first as a tube frame endurance sportscar (which later became the Corvette program), and then with the horrendous gen 1 IRL IndyCar engine. This was a nice car for the mid 90s... which is an indictment

If you were like baseball writers, and tried to keep out anybody who was on the juice or was an unsavory character, the field would narrow quickly.

In The End, Anthem is just another Fly By Night operation.

Menginitius was still a better booker than their usual cracker jack team. The whole Kane/Strowman booking is horrendous. Kane comes back one week prior, with no explanation, and then turns on his partner immediately? The other 3 should blame him kayfabe wise for blowing the match. The main event could have been a fun

You should reread my comment.

If the new game is just recycling the same shit from 15 years ago, and isn’t as good as it was in 1999, doesn’t it automatically become a true to life WWE sim?

In 2011, I was fresh out of law school, working for a small firm. I investigated possible class actions, and I spent a month researching this exact issue. Went as far as drafting a complaint, and a memo outlining how the whole thing worked. The partner thought I was making a big deal over a clerical error, and chewed

Unspecified viral infection should become the booker.

Craigslist Fox News Anchor ad: Pretend news channel seeks a blonde to roleplay the part of sycophantic ditz to racist crazy old man rantings. Open to overt sexual harassment a plus. Please send tasteful full body pics to

The match was fine. Braun is pretty awful still, and you shouldn’t expect workrate out of two hosses to begin with. His feud with Angle was 14 years ago, and Angle carried him. Brock is over because he looks legit, not his workrate. Besides, I think turning purple is some killer selling.

I think you’re burying the lede, a performer that they have scripted to be a heel actually got some honest to goodness heat. Heels are suppose to be incendiary, illogical, and condescending, that’s what a heel does. Let’s assume this was a shoot, wouldn’t you want Nakamura to knock his teeth in? Yes? Perfect.

It makes sense. It took a few decades and a lot of motorsport involvement to develop those sub brands. Hyundai does not seem interested in that type of investment in motorsport, and are betting on value and technology, ahead of performance. I don’t necessarily agree with this approach, but then again I am a racing

Like Renault?

You know, the Aston logo on the Red Bull cars, and they literally developed a road car together. I think that is enough to be considered an existing relationship.