
My dog got attacked by this asshole’s dog who bolted through their front door and ran across the street. Bit her right in the ass. He was all blubbers and tears while I tried to stop my dog’s blood. I reported the bite to Animal Control and despite my dog freaking out when we come across any dog off a leash she’s

My nephew Washing Machine makes weird noises and is clearly unbalanced.

“Only attacks dogs who...?” How many dogs has her vigilante dog attacked? Did he have a little cape?

So a few months ago one of my dogs was attacked and seriously hurt by another dog at the dog park. The owner ran away when she saw that my dog was injured, and when I saw her again, she refused to give me her name because she said her dog only attacks dogs who deserve it, so it was clearly my dog’s fault.

Something that would cost about the same as a workstation plus a monitor?

in a cell phone photo of an email delivered via a Twitter direct message.

BBC News has a pretty interesting write-up on this, for anyone interested.

You do realize that’s not how Harvard works right? A quick google search will show you that Harvard is one of the greatest providers of non student loan financial aid. Basically, if you can get in to Harvard, you will not be refused for lack of funds.

This is the type of thing that gets right-wing news outlets all riled up about “intolerant liberals.” I’m certain they will bankroll lawsuits to attempt to ensure the right to express truly horrible sentiments without any repercussions.

I got the same vibe about him, a lot of subtle “bitches man, amirite” leaking out from the cracks in the letter. I’m not saying I’m not sympathetic to his situation, and I’m not saying he’s not doing a great thing for his family. I am and he is. What I AM saying is that it sounds like he’s on a bit of a woman-hating

Oh, it’s about to get ridiculous.

The way that he writes off all women being assholes because they don’t want to put up with him always putting his brother first?

It’s wonderful he’s so devoted to his brother but newsflash, he comes off as a gigantic asshole for not understanding the difference between “Bros” and a partner and why they might perceive

My wife and my sister have creepily-similar names. I have never once said my wife’s name during sex.

Obligatory comment petitioning for revival of I Thee Dread.

...yea, and if you don’t ever want kids then never have sex. Ever.

I feel you. BUT what I also dislike MORE, as I get older and older, is the way my body reacts to drinks 3 and 4 the next day, as if I have chugged a bottle of rat poison.

A bottle or red, a bottle of white.

It is my hope that I will have a similar attitude towards my marriages.

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.