
I... are we sure this wasn’t a joke? Like 100%? B/c this sounds beyond the pale of absurdity.

You know how I know the hatred of the obama’s was race related? The fact that people think the motherfucking trumps are classy in comparison. These fuckers are literally the most tacky people ever.

Walter Shaub: first boring-looking middle-aged dude I’ve ever wanted to fling my panties at.

“Some of the people that are opposed to this, there are female senators from the Northeast... If it was a guy from South Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style,”

A lot of smokers don’t have any big regrets until the biopsy comes back showing that you have some form of cancer.

I’m fine with this. Smoking is terrible, sometimes I wish cigarettes were banned outright. I smoked on and off from age 22 to 26, and many of my friends at the time were smokers. So many of them have struggled to quit for years, and regretted ever starting. I don’t know any smokers who are really happy that they’re

I mean Harry can bitch all he wants but let’s not pretend for a second he’s going to walk away and get a real job. It’s all talk. Of course he’s frustrated with his position- it can’t be easy! But it’s allowed him a leg up and financial freedom that some people couldn’t accrue after a lifetime of hard work. He’ll

People complain if they don’t see George and Charlotte and apparently now are complaining if they do see them.

I’m surprised not to see “when Trump wouldn’t let him meet the Pope when that was all he wanted in life” on the list of “things we were sure he would resign over.”

I cannot but imagine what this will mean to young women.

Cringe all you want my friend, and think about what you call “the problem”. I’m going to go spend today with my nieces, who I watched the announcement with and whose happiness at the news fueled this post.


They finally fucking did it.

So fucking excited. Not just for the Doctor as female thing (though that too) but also because Whittaker is a damn fine actress.

I watched the clip and when she was revealed I felt the tears come down - they were tears of pure unbridled happiness that I didn’t expect but readily welcome as another glass ceiling is shattered.

You’re reading an article that might spoiI movies coming out a year from now, but you’re angry that they gave a minor spoiler for a movie that came out last week?

Oh please, You have had a whole week. You got something more important to do, like, what, a job?

This sounds like someone just mashing their action figures together.

But according to The Root, we’re supposed to be rooting for Mayweather because McGregor is a racist. What do we do now?